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"MOMMA, MOMMA," that all I heard from my twin brother, Prince scream. I couldn't hear too much, but I can hear voices a little bit. I saw the car leaving the building as we got drop off. I sat there numb, pain, and wondering what we did wrong.

We were only 5 years old living in heart of Atlanta, Ga. We were smart kids unlike other young kids. Come to find out we were taking from our family. Just wondering what happen. We don't have none of our clothes. Nothing. I'm a very quiet person and doesn't speak much. I silent cry to myself.

I saw a shadow but didn't hear nothing. I look up to see a heavy set woman brown caramel skin complexion approach us. I didn't move nor I spoke. I look to my right, my brother was shaking with tear. I can feel how he feel. My heart hurt for him.

" Hi, my name is Mrs. Brown, you must be Prince and Princess", she said with a smile. I sat there with a mean mug on my face. Woman I don't know you. If you wonder how I am, I'm anti-social. I rarely speak. My brother speak for me.

How she know our names. How she know we coming. Confuse look on my face? So my mama doesn't love us anymore. She doesn't care about us anymore. It make me cry all over again.

I read lip even though I wear hearing aids. I don't do sign language because I didn't need it. That how smart I was.

She bent down and look into our eyes. " Guys, everything gonna be alright I promise you. I seen this a millions of times. No matter what I'm sure your momma love you. You may not understand  now, but later on in life you will ", she said rubbing my hand.

Hmm, she love us alright. I can't tell for sure. We didn't say nothing nor move. I look over at Prince, he was hurting more then I was hurt. " Y'all come on, we fixing to take you to a place call "Rainbow House", y'all gone love it there. It plenty of kids, some your age to play with as well," she went on and on about the place. I didn't care I want my family. I want my mama.

Mrs. Brown stuck her hand out, waiting on us to return it so she can take us to that place. I sighs and grab it because I didn't have no choice but to. We were waiting on Prince to move. I use my other hand to communicate. I wave at him. Meaning come on. I nodded my head to let him know it okay. I couldn't speak well. Prince the only one who understood me. I don't know how or what, he always knew what I needed or want without me completing a sentence. 

We follow her to her 1998 Ford type car. She lead us to the back seat and put our seatbelt on. Me and Prince hold our hands for all the way to the place.  We still didn't speak. We were still processing of what happen to us. Taking in on our surroundings as we ride by buildings to buildings. Trees to trees. Cars passing by.

I was born with hearing loss, that why I always observe my surroundings. The more observe my surrounding I tend to learn more about things. 

"Prince," I whisper. I was getting his attention. He look at me with his eyes red and swell.

"Yea, Princess, " his voice was crack. I feel it.
"I love you, bowther," I smile a little.
"It brother, B-r-o-t-h-e-r. I love you too forever til,"
"The end " I finish quoting our motto.

Couples minutes pass by, we were at the building. The place wasn't too big, but it seem right. Mrs. Brown park her car and open our doors.

We got out, me and Prince were holding hands. Not because we was scare. We was ready for what we fixing to step into.
"This going to be your new home for awhile, y'all come on." She said.

Once again I took in my surrounding. I was overwhelmed . Just a few cars here and there. I see kids coming in and out and adults laughing and talking.

When we got in the building, it was another ball games. Apparently, it was bunch of kids such as: our ages, teenagers, babies, I see games rooms, tables, tv here and there. The place was huge.

I look at Mrs. Brown, and she look down at me with a warm smile. "Everything going to be just fine, sweetie".

There was a skinny white woman approach us, shaking her head. What hell you shaking your head for. We ain't ask to be here.

"Hi Trica, how are you, " she gave Mrs. Brown a hug. I would swear that Mrs. Brown was rolling her eyes. I giggle a little.
"Hi, Rebecca," she fake smile.
"What do we have here," she trying to be funny.
"Rebecca, this is Prince and Princess Bland, they are five years old and they are a twin, " Mrs. Brown told her about our info.

"Oh, wow okay, hi, guys, my name is Mrs. Smith but you can call me Rebecca." She bent down to our level to speak. "How you feeling?,"

Tricka how do you think we feel. Dumb ass question. We don't speak to Stranger.

We and Prince took a glance at each other. We had our own sign. I look at her with a mug on my face.
"We don't speak to stanger," Prince said coldly.
"Um" she clear her throat. Something in your throat. Ugly ass. Let me stop. "Ok, well let y'all started, shall we," she said.

I look at Mrs. Brown pleadings her not to go. My face told it all. She gave Rebecca a files and said she will stay for a few minutes until we settle.

Rebecca show us the rope to this place. Me and Prince will be in separate rooms because it girls on one side and boys are on the other side. My little room was unique.

It like room within a rooms. The girls side had 8 bathrooms and more then 10 rooms. I didn't have much clothes. My clothes was DIRTY and I had hole in the bottom of my shoes.

A black girls that look around 10, she was tall, had braid in her hair. Not freshly done but it was cute, I guess. "Hey, my name is Quesha, and your, " she introduced herself. I didn't speak because I was too embarrassed too speak.

She was looking at me weird. I been call weird all my life. I'm use to it. I use my hand telling her does she have a paper. She went to her room area to get a paper and pencil. She gave it to me and i wrote, Princess.

She nodded. She took on what begins my ear and she notices I had hearing aids. "So you deaf." I shook my head yes. She said okay.

" Well there bunch clothes in this big closet with different sizes and shoes, underwear, socks and stuff. If you grab it keep it. They donate clothes almost everyday, so don't worry. " she explain.

She show me around the rooms and stuff. She took my hand and went outside. I look around and didn't see Prince, just yet. Maybe he was taking in his surrounding as well. So I waited until he come outside while I sat the bench they had.

As I was waited, I look up to the sky. White cloud flowing with different form of shapes. I sighs.

This is the beginning of my and our journey..

The Life of a Hearing Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now