Chapter 2

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It been two days and some hours. I was mostly stuck to myself. The only person I spoke is my brother and some staffs if they needed to be spoken too. It was middle of a summer, and summer is supposed  to be my favorite season. Lately, I feel like winter need to come on, because that how feel cold, hurt, pain and all above.

My brother was straight.  He seem to get along with the other kids as I watch him play hockey games. He was still hurting, but I guess he over rise it by play games with other kids.  My brother sometime can hide the truth with a smile. 

So far I didn't has a problem with anyone here.  All I want to do is stay in the room and cry. I don't know much about God, but I want to question him why.  I was so deep in my thought I didn't see anyone come my way. 

A girl tap on my shoulder.  I begin to growl. She back up a little bit. "Hey it dinner time". I begin to nodded my head and got up.  I wash my hand and sat at this long ass table they had in a mini cafeteria. They say a prayer and begin to stand in line for our food.  Today we had beef stew, corn on cobb, rice, and cookie for dessert.

As today I didn't have much appetite. Knowing my twin he always push me to eat because I can pass out again. Yes, we 5 years old but we took care of ourselves. My brother is real protective over me, because of what happen to me and him a year ago.

I really thankful for him. When people pick on me, he there to fight for me.  Even though I can fight for myself. He even push this little white girl off the swing set because she told me I can't get it on it. At a school ground though. 

I didn't have much appetite tonight. I push my plate away.  And lay my head down while everybody still eating.  I felt someone tapping me.  I straight mean mug the white lady name Jennifer. She talk and kinky, brown hair and beautiful.  People need to quit tapping me like they crazy or imma snapped. "Yes lady" I spoke with an attitude.

She smile at me,  "Sweetie, you gotta take your head off the table, everybody still eating". I look at my brother he was meaning the heck out at the lady as she spoke to me. 

I look back up to her, " Lady I ain't mewwing with no tody" I told y'all I can't talk right. "I know you not, but you laying your head at at the table other can catch germ".

"Lady you in my face will get me germ" She look at me shocked. I'm not surprise.  I'm a Bland and we talk back. My parent ain't here so who my guardian. No one. 

She was looking around and others was staring at us.  "That rule number 3 no disrespectful to any adults. You just broke the rules and". Before she could get another word out my brother step in.  I read his lip "Ay, lady, you gone leave my sister alone.  She isn't bother nobody.  You worry about her head on the table. She not feeling too well.  That white boy over picking his nose earlier at the table and you ain'  said nothing to him lady".

I was still mean mugging the lady, because my head was hurting me and her talking made it worst. 

Another lady came over to us and and ask me was I was okay and shook my head no. I told her that Cruella was mean to me and my head hurt.  She told the lady to let her handle me. Jennifer look at me while I smile at the lady like I won a award or something.

The lady name Sarah, she heavy seat with box braid and light brown eyes took my hand and feel my head.  I was a little warm. 

"Aww baby you not feeling well" I shook my head no.  " How about this,  you can to your room section and find a clothes and go take a bath and I'll be there when you done. Don't worry about my MS. Jennifer she a bitch sometime" she whisper. I giggle loud.

I walk to my room section and took a bath and find a bed clothes to wear. I lay there going to sleep.  Until she came with medicine in her hand.  I was skeptical about it.  "Honey I will not hurt you.  You can trust me" I sighs and took it. My mom promise me she wouldn't hurt me but look were it got me.

I heard  my momma and my daddy arguing, while me and the Prince was in our bed. I felt someone running to our door and open it.  My mom was panic and grabbed me and brother out of the room.  I didn't cry either.  I was a silent baby. I was only 3. I had on red jumper while Prince had on a blue jumper.  My mom ran down the stair with us and hop in a black car.  I saw my dad running toward us limping. We got in the car. Before my mom could drive off with the car.  My dad throw a brick at the back window. I was scare but didn't cry neither did Prince.  My mom was stress and hurt. She look back at us after we got farther away. " I love y'all and I'm gone protect y'all. Georgia we go". Sheclight up her cigarette and drove to Georgia or whatever. I I'm gone miss Michigan. 

When we got here in Georgia. We barely see our mom like w use to.  Thinking about it make me want to cry some more. What did we do wrong for her turn her back on us? I shook my head and draft to sleep.  I just want her, my aunties, cousins back.  Why didn't my auntie fight for us too.  I'm hurt.

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