asshole insults

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1.  Your ass is so fat it is mistaken for a black hole.

2.  Well you're just jealous- yes jealous of people who don't know you.

3.  You talk so much shit I can smell it on your breath.

4.  Your dick belongs in your pants not in your personality.

5.  If I wanted to hear and ass's opinion I would have asked my donkey.

6.  You remind me of an unflushed toilet- so full of shit.

7.  Your ass must be jelous of how much shit comes out of your mouth.

8.  For a man with no cows you have an awful lot of bullshit.

9.  If you are talking about me behind my back it must just mean my life is more interesting than yours.

10.  If bullshit could bounce you'd be in fucking orbit.

11.  Your dad should have made a white spot in the sheets instead of a black spot in society.

12. You're like a show bag full of shit.

13.  If I could be one person for a day I sure as hell wouldn't be you.

14.  I would slap you but bullshit splatters.

15.  You're a waste of oxygen.

16. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advise.

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