Chapter 2

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I was 5 when we moved in. We moved for my father's work. He was a business man, a busy one too. He was never home, so my mom had to care for me and my twin sister Elena.

   "What happened?" I ask.

The bird begins to peak at the floor.

And that's when I see it. The blood stains. I don't know how I didn't see before. It littered the floor, it was dried up and was the color of rust.

  It was my blood.

I remember now, what happened to me. How I died.

  Elena had an abusive boyfriend. I always knew there was something wrong with him. I didn't notice the bruises at first. She told me she fell off her bed.... And I believed her. But more and more showed up, she wasn't getting better. Sometimes it was so bad that she'd come home crying.

  "Elena, tell me what happened! Did that fucker hit you?" I yelled.

She didn't say anything, instead she stared into my eyes, pleading without words. She knew what I was gonna do.

   I went straight to his house. That bastard needed to pay...

He sat there, doped up on some drug. His eyes were bloodshot and crossed and his words slurred.

"The fuck you doing here man?"

I shook my head. He didn't recognize me.

"You hurt her."

He laughed. "That bitch got what she deserved!"

I punched him straight in the nose, sending him into the nearest wall. I was fueled by white-hot rage, everything became a blur until he was dead. I felt no remorse and no sympathy for the scumbag. He deserved to rot.

   On my way home I was blocked by a thug. I quickly pass him, not realizing he was following me.

The front door of the house was wide open. Mom was out late god knows where. Elena lay on her bed as I knocked on her door.

  "I took care of him. You get some rest."

I headed off to my room and take off my shirt, which was covered in blood. I sat on my bed and tried to get some rest.

Until I heard the scream. It pierced the air like a bullet, it was bloodcurdling and made my skin crawl. I jumped out of bed and rushed to see what was wrong.

Elena lay dead on the floor, a hooded figure standing above her. It was the thug from before.

"My crew knows you killed him. We came for payback." his voice hoarse and raspy like a smoker's voice.

"She wasn't a part of this. She didn't do anything!" I scream.

   He swung at me with an army knife.

It hit me in the side and caused me to drop to the ground.

"I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" he yelled, bringing blade down again.... And again....and again.

I lay there helpless, staring him in the eyes as I took my last breath.

And that's how I died...

MerleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz