Chapter 3

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Cawww cawww!

"I remember.... Everything."

It just stared at me, watching me intently.

   I was young and reckless but I was never stupid. I knew my street smarts. They were called the "Jesters", fitting name right? Considering that they think life is a game. They don't play by the rules and disregard any laws.

   So here I am. Dead.... Or undead or whatever the hell I am. Sitting here alone talking to a fucking crow! Who thought this would happen to me? Not me apparently.

Why was I brought back. I mean aren't you supposed to stay dead once you die? I'm not special, I didn't deserve this... Elena is dead because of me. Bring her back to life. Not me. Not for what I've done. Not for what I'm gonna do...

My grandma used to tell me stories of how crows used to gather around her front yard and caw at her. She said they were worshipped, sometimes compared to gods. They delivered the souls of the dead to the afterlife. I guess my buddy here kept me here for unfinished business.

"What should I call you?" I ask the crow. "Merle, that's what the latin name for crow is. It's fitting for it I think.

It seemed to like the name.... It flew onto my shoulder and peaked at my hand.

"I guess its time to kick some ass, right Merle?"

We head outside, I didn't notice it started to rain. It's coming down pretty hard.

   Cawww!!!! Merle took off my shoulder.

   "Slow down!" I yell at it.

It ignores me again and flies away.

  "Shit!" I left alone again.

I sit down and listen to the rain. It's peaceful.... And I find myself falling asleep in an alley.

   I wake up to find that I'm back in my house.

"Great..." I roll my eyes. Back to plan one.

Where did Merle expect me to go? I can't see anyone who used to know me.... They'd freak out. So now what? Find the men who killed me and my sister and everything goes back to normal? I don't think it's gonna be that easy.

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