Chapter 4

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His name was Robert 'Rob' Ventura. He had a wife who he left to pursue his criminal career. Pathetic.

He was the first one on my list.

  He usually resided in a little tavern west of here, "The Monkey Wrench". A place full of people just looking for trouble.

   "C'mon Merle." I call to my companion as I head toward the tavern. He was awfully noisy.

"Shhhhhh...." I coo as I enter the place.

I get at least a dozen looks, probably cause' my current attire. The clothes I was wearing were torn to shreds and clung my body tightly.

"Where's Rob at?" I ask the bartender.

"He's upstairs, tell him he needs to pay his tab or he can get his ass out!"

   I grin maliciously and nod, turning towards the little staircase in the corner. I head up them to see the one and only...

  "Merle, why don't you look! It's the man of the hour!" I laugh.

"Who the fuck are you?" he raises an eyebrow.

   "You! Can't you see it? Me and you... We're the same."

"You're a fucking lunatic aren't ya?" he gets up and points his gun at my chest.

   I stare down the barrel.

"Do it. Fucking do it!" I laugh insanely. "Are you a pussy?"


A bullet goes straight through me and I fall backwards onto my back.

"Good riddance."

  He thought he could get rid of me that quickly? He might be as insane as I am!

My body begins to heal, the hole near my heart closing as the skin grows back together. I slowly get up, brushing myself off.

"What in the hell are you man?"
His eyes widen, he's afraid.

"The devil.... I've come to collect your sins!" I snatch the gun out of his hands and force it in his mouth.

"Tell me who's with the  rest of your gang or I'll blow your fucking head off."

  He struggles as I push my weight onto him.


He begins to scream and nod his head. I take the gun out and let him speak.

"C-Christ man! Matt! Matt fucking told us to do it! If you want to get to him, talk to David! That's all I know!"

"Thanks!" I say as I pull the trigger. "Have fun in Hell!"

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