Chapter 6

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She didn't recognize me. Hell, I don't recognize me either. My black hair that was once short is now so long it touches my hips. My figure is the same..... Though are faint changes. My skin is a pale almost white color, my eyes a grey dull color. I'm not who I used to be. I guess death changes you....

  "It's me!" I break the silence.

"No.... No my son is dead! H-he..." she begins to cry.

  "I'm here, mom...."

She stops to look at me. A good look at me. She knows I'm telling the truth.

"Dear God!!!" she wails. "Peter!"

She gets up from her chair and hugs me. "How? How is this real?! You died a year ago!"

  "I don't know..." I sigh.

"I'm so sorry! I should've been there... She-" she begins but I cut her off.

"You knew didn't you? About the abuse?"

She says nothing, just steps back.

   "How could you? She was hurting.... And you did nothing! All you did was drink. So I had to do something....and look where that got us. Me and Elena fucking dead!" I scream. "It's all my fault! She wouldn't be dead if I hadn't acted the way I did..."

It went quiet for a while.

   "Peter. Go... Go avenge her..." she whispers.

"I will Mom. The bastard will pay for what they've done..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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