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A/N: thank you @TinapieCV for the pic
Prompt: Manila Bay

Some people find beauty in watching sun sets and Maine is one of them. She was told that the Manila Bay sunset is the best and one that she should not miss. Escaping from her guardians, she hopped on the first cab she saw and had the driver bring her here.

She stared out into the horizon--where the orange and gray tinged sky meets the mirroring sea.

Settling on the concrete breakwater, she folded her hands on her lap as her eyes devoured each colour seeping from the sky.

"It is indeed beautiful," she whispered to herself.

"Not as beautiful as you."

She smiled as she recognized the voice behind her.

"How did you find me?" she asked without turning around. Her eyes still fixed at the colors that seems to burst each second that passes by. Not wanting to miss anything.

"Find my iphone. I synced mine with yours."

Alden moved to sit beside her, taking her hand in his. She scooted closer to his side, laying her head against his shoulder.

"I wish we could stay here forever."

Her husband sighed and held her closer.

"That we don't we have, love."

He could feel her smile in her weakening voice. "We could pretend. We were always good with it. Pretending we hated each other; pretending we were in love with other people; pretending that I am well. Maybe we could pretend we have forever."

Alden squeezed her arm, feeling the tears prick his eyes.

"Yes," he lied. "We could pretend."

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