
189 29 3

Prompt: Bank


Alden flinched as the blast of cold air hit him on the face when he entered the old building, his cane tapping against the aged marbled floor.

He scanned the room which was devoid of the usual chatter and was met with subdued conversations and surreptitious glances. He shuffled over to a well-coiffed lady at the corner of the room and after a small exchange of solicitations, handed over an inconspicuous key. The woman nodded and led him into a hallway which opened into a cavernous room filled with floor to ceiling boxes.

Taking another key, she walked to a box labeled 716 and inserted it into the keyhole. With a slight pull, she removed the heavy looking box from the wall and laid it on a table. She then left the room after giving the aged man a sympathetic glance.

Alden slowly sat on a chair and stared at the closed box in front of him. The key was one of the things Maine left him when she passed on. He refused to accept it but she was adamant and after almost fifty years of marriage, he knows better than to refuse.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the box and he could do nothing to stop the tears that started to stream down his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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