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And so here we were, sitting together and eating dinner. Before dinner, we had been allowed to see anyone who had been imprisoned to make the person play. Mark was gone for a while before someone had to be sent to get him so we could eat. Thema said she wanted to brief us on how this round would go while we munched. She even had little agenda papers and a slideshow made for us.

"So, as you all know, we will be holding a third and final round," Thema began. "Take a moment to look over the agenda." I picked up my paper and read it over.

Third Round Brief Agenda

-Passage of time

-Town and Player Additions  





-New Players and Timothy Prebrief separately after dinner.

It looked easy enough.

"Let's get started. First of all, the passage of time. In the real game, day and night pass very quickly compared to the time of real life. To adjust accordingly and get some more accurate results, we've altered time to pass normally once you're in the game," Theme began. "This means the days will actually be 24 hours instead of the original 12 that you experienced in the first two rounds." She played the slideshow and as she spoke a set of cute little animations of a sun and moon going around a village played. One displayed the original time passing in the real game, a second displaying the 12 hour daytime passing, and the final one with 24 hours subjectively.

"It's easy enough to understand. Next up as part of an idea presented by Thomas and me, we have made some additions to both the town and to your abilities as players," Theodore stated. "First of all, instead of just a river and orchard to sustain yourselves on, we have added a kitchen into each of your player homes. Alongside this, we made the village more like an actual village while keeping the same overall look of the original game of Town of Salem. Your homes are still arranged in a circle, but more erratic than in the orderly way they're arranged originally. We have also added a marketplace outside the circle where you may go get food to eat and cook with." We all seemed pretty happy with this, especially with the adorable cartoons used in this part of the presentation.

"However, there are also other things that were added. In keeping with the updates of Town of Salem, we have added different ways to die. Naturally, we can't exactly replicate some of them in real life, but ways of being 'lynched' have been added, such as being burned alive or drowning. Murdering classes also have a larger array of weapons to use, such as more guns and modifications for the guns for roles such as the Veteran and Vigilante," Rosette grinned, her part of the presentation containing graphic images that were honestly disturbing. "Roles such as the Serial Killer and Mafia will have more weapons such as guns and all kinds of blades. They'll have any weapon they want and they can get their weapons from a secret underground cellar of weapons we added. Only the evil roles know the location of it. Arsonists are gifted with some new abilities according to the updates as well. For example, if you douse someone, they will not know they have been doused unless they themselves are an Arsonist. Arsonists can do nothing at night if they have been doused to clean themselves. Luckily for you, an Investigator can tell people if they're doused by simply investigating them."

Grumbles, but nonetheless we let them continue.

"That concludes Roles as well, in essence," Thema said. "Next up is the additions to the Retributionist in case someone didn't hear them and so we can make them clear." She repeated to us the agreement she and Haven had struck, then moved on. "Any questions?"

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