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I awoke in the middle of the night to a bright, white light. What in the... I stood and looked out the window to see a floating girl in a tattered white skirt and white top that seemed to be a single piece of cloth wrapped around her chest, with bare feet. She had white colored eyes and a giant mane of glowing white hair. Am I dead? I pinched myself. Do dead people feel pain from being pinched? Should I go outside and investigate, or stay inside and just go back to sleep? It looked like she was heading towards the makeshift graveyard in the forest. Wait a second... is it who I think it is...?

"Faith?" I whispered to myself. I opened up the window and watched as her floating form disappeared into the forest. I suppose it really was Faith. In that case, I shouldn't worry. Laying back down, I rested my head on the soft pillow and fell back asleep. Before I remembered I had to investigate someone. Crap. Maybe I'll look at Jake tonight.


I knew I shouldn't be up, but when one sees a white light flying off into the forest, you tend to think you're dead. Especially if you're the Mayor of a fictional video game town of murder. Then you get freaked out and try not to fall back asleep. Mom tells me I'm way too superstitious... she might be right about that. Then again, I got sucked into a game that could end my life IRL. As I was about to drift off I noticed someone coming out of Jaclyn's house. Oh no... Was it a killer, who had finished their job for the night? An Arsonist, who had doused her? Or was getting ready to light her up? No, if she had gotten doused the first night she would've said something. Maybe it was just Jaclyn going out to investigate somebody.

I hope that was what was happening. I peered out closer, and in the fading glow of the pale light, I saw it was indeed the little Investigator out and about. Suddenly I heard a tiny bell, and a barrier of some sort formed, covering my windows and front door. What was this? The bell sound was very quiet, I couldn't even tell where it was coming from. Was it... the Creator, playing his role as needed? Was he preventing someone from attacking me? I know the Creator had bells he worked with to create objects or remove his previous creations with, so maybe it was him. Or her.


The hell? I can't attack this Timothy guy! What's this note on the door?

"'Your attack was prevented due to a barrier.' The hell?" I read aloud. There wasn't a role I knew of that... wait... The Creator. He or she put a barrier on the place. I read that they can do that. Either Timothy is trying to protect himself... or the Creator is protecting him. Why would he do that? Obviously, he suspects someone will go after him... which did happen. So why did I attack him? I was killing a real person... but then again... who cares? It's just a person, people die every goddamn day! I could kill everyone here... Maybe people in the real world too. Maybe Timothy was the Mayor? Was that why I attacked him? Maybe I can try again... and again... and again...


Well, I was done investigating Jake. It seemed like he owned weapons. That meant he was a Veteran, a Vigilante, or... a Mafioso. I hoped he wasn't Mafioso... though I did hope he was at the same time. We get rid of the Mafia, we get to go home. We're all just fighting for our lives...

I decided that since I was done and sleepy, I'd just go back to sleep. I put my notes in my desk and wrote down the possible roles Jake could be in my will. Finally, I brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

That is, I went to sleep for only a couple hours. Morning came soon and I begrudgingly got out of bed, got dressed, and went outside to see only one person dead. Oh no... Timothy immediately asked for someone to get the will and that someone came out with two pieces of paper. One was the will, the other a bloody piece of notebook paper. He also brought out the role cards. Timothy took the papers and read the will aloud first.

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