Everything About You: Chapter 10

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Everything About You: Chapter 10

June's P.O.V.

"I'm so stuffed!" Liam said sitting back on the burger king chair.

"Ya me too!" Zayn said, he picked up a fry and tossed it at Harry.

"Hey! I'm full too you know!" Harry said flicking the fry back to Zayn.

"Well I don't want any more food!"  Zayn said pushing his mostly empty tray towards Harry. Harry picked up the burger and flung it at Zayn. Zayn looked shocked and picked up the burger all over his shirt now.

"You didn't just do that!" Zayn said, anger flashed in his eyes then an evil grin flared up on his face. He picked up his banana peel and threw it at Harry. Harry looked shocked, then his face did the same as Zayn's.

"Hey! Hey! Guys no food fights or-" Liam started but was hit in the face with a milkshake that leaked down his chin and dripped onto his shirt. "That's it! It's on Harry and Zayn!" Soon the whole table started throwing food at each other. I was hit with a fry but other then that nothing. Some of the other tables started throwing food at us too, and we were throwing food at them. I got on the ground and crawled under the table. I crawled out and then wad hit by a wet water cup.

"Ewww," I said, I sat down and inspected my wet shirt. A guy crawled over looked to be about my age maybe a little older.

"Hey, sorry about that," He said, his eyes flickering to my wet shirt. "Wanna get out of here?" I nodded, and we crawled to the door. When we reached it we stood up and were instantly bombarded with food. I managed to open the door and walk out so did the guy.

"Wow, what a mess!" The guy said, we walked a little farther from Burger king, but stopped when it was still in sight. "So your mates started that did they?"

"Ya, there dorks," I said smiling.

"Well, I'm Logan by the way." He said, his brown hair was messy with food, and his blue eyes seemed to smile at me.

"Well, we should probably wait till the food fight clears," I said, looking back and still seeing things flying in the window.

"Ya, any ways look the sun is high in the sky, and the grass is perfect to sit on." Logan said, he sat down and examined the sky. I sat down next to him and tried to look like i knew what i was doing.

"What are we looking for?" I asked a couple minutes stumped at what he found so interesting in the sky.

"The cloud shapes," He said, his eyes wandering.

"Oh," I said simply, I looked through the clouds still finding nothing.

"See there's a duck," He said pointing to an oddly shaped cloud, it resembled a duck faintly.

"Oh I see!" I said smiling and looking at him.

"Logan!" A girly voice rang out, I looked over and saw a cute girl, who looked like she was his girlfriend. My heart sank even though I had just met him I still felt maybe I had a chance. Because with the guys I had no chance against the fame and fans.

"Oh, I have to go, but lets switch numbers!" He said pulling out his phone. I pulled out mine and handed it to him and  took his phone. I typed my name and my number. He took my phone and saw my name.

"June, huh? Wow you must have about a million nicknames," He said laughing.

"Make that a Billion!" I said laughing as well. He nodded and stood up.

"Well nice meeting you June," He said smiling down, his hand was held out to help me up. I gladly took it and was pulled up.

"You too, Logan!" I said, shaking his hand before letting it go.

"Looggaann!" The chick said whiningly.

"Coming!" He said waving then turning around and jogging up to her. I sat down again, and looked in the clouds. I had found tons of shapes by the time I had felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Louis.

"Oh, hey! Manage to sneak out did you?" I asked smiling, he nodded and sat next to me.

"Ya it was really wild in there! And to think this all started from a french fry." He said shaking his head, and closing his eyes. His hair was dirty from food, and his clothes covered in muck.

"Wow you are all messy!" I said, I flicked a banana peel off him.

"Ya it's a pig's Stine in there, how did you manage to escape any way?" He asked.

"Oh This guy helped me and he turned out to be really nice," I said smiling.

"So a complete stranger?"

"No! I sat and we talked a while!"

"So talking a wee bit makes everyone a friend now does it?"

"No! Your just jealous i'm hanging out with another guy,"

"Pft! As if,"

"Well i have his number so i can text him any time I-" Louis leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Fire burned inside my mouth and I leaned into him also.

"June!" I heard Niall's voice calling out. I pulled away from Louis and pushed myself through the grass in a desperate attempt to look like we were casually sitting. I felt blush form on my cheeks and brushed my hair down to block it the best i could.

"There you guys are!"

"Oh hey Niall!" I said, my voice shaking. The four other boys appeared on the top of the hill, and they looked like a mess.

"Dude! You guys look like rubbish!" Louis said laughing hard, he fell down and rolled around letting his laughs out. Then he sat up as if to be sober again.

"June met a guy," Louis said, i scoffed and slapped his arm. "And go his number!" Louis said glaring at my phone in my hand.

"Yep, and he has a girlfriend, so you guys should totally be jealous," I said sarcastically. I stood up and walked over to the boys picking one gross thing off each of them.

"Let's go home and get showered," I said, they all nodded.

"I agree," Liam said with a plucked nose.


Next chappy! Sorry it's short! I used some people's suggestions! and Louis and June almost got caught! Oh no! I bet it's torturing u that they didn't get caught. But i might throw that in the next chapter. So how do u guys feel about Logan? Huh? Well hope u enjoy! Hopefully next chapter will be posted tomorrow!

Everything About You (In *SLOW* Editing) (1D Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now