Everything About You: Chapter 22

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Hey! Thanks for all the comments!!!! Loved the reviews. Although some of you are still swearing :/ which I was hoping wouldn't happen. :/ any way here's the Quote again:

"I like woman who eat carrots"

And the answer was Louis! I know easy right? Ya.........

BrunetteBlueEyes!!! Yay! (to those of you who guessed first, sorry, but you can only be right once :/ it's just not fair to other people who haven't gotten it dedicated to them. So here's a new chapter!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Enjoy! XD


Everything About You: Chapter 22

Louis's P.O.V. (Still)

Blood, that's what I can see, that's all I can see. Blood covered her from head to toe, soaking every square inch of her body. But I knew it was June, her perfect blond hair, although soaked in blood, and her perfect soft lips.

Her Head had a gash in it, and she cuts all over. Some bones seemed to be bent in awkward positions. I felt tears come, and some one grabbed my arm. I tried to remove it from my arm, but they had a strong grip.

"Louis! Leave her be," Shea's voice rang out, I turned and glared at her, hoping she would release me. She gasped shocked at my look, her grip loosened for a second, but that's all I needed. I ripped my arm from her hand.

And turned pushing past the doctors and crowd of people. I made my way to June, when I reached her my hand engulfed hers.

"Oh, god, June . . . " I breathed, I couldn't take it, she looked horrid, she looked broken. Not just her body but her heart. She was already forming deep circles under her eyes. And her breathing was heavy.

"Excuse me, Sir?" A nurse asked me urgently. "We need to take her into the operation room, so you need to wait in the waiting room," She asked me pointing in the direction.

"But, she's my girlfriend," I said, my heart pounding, Operation room? What had happened?

"I understand, follow me," She said, I quickly followed her, down an empty hall, and she directed me to a room.

"This is the room we will bring her to after her surgery, so feel free to stay here," She said, then she left the room with her clip board. I sighed, and started pacing. I ran my hands over my face, and paced even faster. I felt like my heart was going to explode.

Had I really slapped June? No. I would never, not even under drugs. But I did, and that's the problem, she was hurt because of me. She might die because of me. No. She wont die, I wont let that happen, no matter what.

After what seemed like hours, June was rolled in on a bed. Her clothes were gone, and replaced by a white hospital gown. Her hair was still wet from it being washed of blood. Her cuts were bandaged , and she had casts on the broken bones. They moved the bed to the open space, where it was meant to be.

"She was a mess," The doctor 'tsked' and shook his head looking at the clip board. My throat tightened. Did that mean something? Did that mean she's dead? Because he said she WAS a mess. Was is the past.

"How is she?" I blurted, the doctor looked up at me, and smiled sadly.

"Well, she seems to be in a coma state right now. We don't know when she will wake up, but seems it's going to be a while. She broke 3 bones in her wrist, 3 in her hand, 3 in her arm. She also broke 4 bones in one leg, and 1 in the other, she also broke a bone in her foot.

Everything About You (In *SLOW* Editing) (1D Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang