Everything About You: Chapter 14

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Ok so the quote was . . . . .

"NO!" Jimmy protested.

The answer was . . . .  LOUIS!!! Yay! Congrats to all of those who guessed it right answer!!! But the first person to get it right was . . . .  drum roll please . . . . .

Nana1234!!! YAY!!!! So this chapter is dedicated to her for getting the answer correct and I became her fan to. So i'll become your fan (If i'm not already) and you get a free chapter dedicated to you!!! YAY!

Thanks again to Nana1234! the quotes might get harder and harder every time  . . . .  so be aware!


Everything About You: Chapter 14

June's P.O.V.

I rushed into my room, now not caring what anyone thinks. When I had heard Louis say that he had a girlfriend I tried to act as cool as I could. I had blocked my emotion from my eyes, as I am so used to doing. I sat on the bed, putting my head between my legs. I let the tears fall freely now. Louis. My Louis had a girlfriend. I couldn't believe I fell for him. Of course he has a girlfriend! He's a pop star!

I curled up in a ball, and my fluffy pillow covered my face. I sat and cried myself out for an hour. But soon crying had worn me out. I drifted into  a deep sleep.....


Louis's P.O.V.

"I-I have girlfriend," I breathed quietly. I shut my eyes and felt the hurt and pain well up inside me, I prepared myself to turn and face a crying June. But when I turned around the June I knew was not there. Instead it was replaced with an expressionless robot.

"Oh, Well good for you," She said her voice tight. Her eyes showed no emotion and her face didn't either.

"June, so does that-" June held up her hand.

"Yes we're still friends we always will be," She said her eyes softening a little, but then seconds later the boundaries back up. "Well, I should go shower," She walked out of the room brushing past me. I stared out the door dumb founded. Did she really not care that much? Did she even love me? Did she- WAIT Did I say Love? No I meant like me? Or did I? I sat down on the bed and put my face in my hands, trying to clear my mind.


June's P.O.V. (Again)

"JUNE!" Liam yelled, he was shaking me awake. I sat up startled, had I fallen asleep. I checked my watch and nearly fell over. It had already been 3 hours, I was asleep for 3 hours!

"Uh . . . .Liam, why are you here?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Well, It felt like I hadn't seen you in forever." Liam shrugged, he sat down on the edge of the bed. I heard giggling, and scrunched my eyebrows confused. I heard Louis's voice then a girl giggle, there footsteps started approaching.

"Let's see what June's up too," I heard Louis say to the female. I felt anger boil up inside me, and I reached over taking Liam's head in my hands. I pulled his head close to mine, and smiled at him.

"Kiss me," I whispered, I pressed my lips to Liam's just as I heard Louis come in. I closed my eyes and kissed Liam harder. His lips were warm and soft, but not as good as Louis. I pulled away from Liam and saw his face VERY surprised. I turned to Louis and . . . . his girlfriend. His girlfriend looked oddly familiar, she seemed to resemble some one. Then It clicked, this was Logan's sister, I felt anger boil up. Louis looked as if he was going to kill Liam, and the chick looked bored.

"Louis!" She said in a whiney voice, just the same as the day I met her.

"Yes, Babe," My heart felt like it was stabbed when he said babe.

"DOES SOME ONE NEED A LESSON ON MANNERS!!!???!!!" I said standing up and yelling. Louis looked angry also. And the chick, looked at me like I was some sort of scum on her shoe.

"Let's Go Louis, these people seem to be doing some stuff I would like to do," She said wagging her eyebrows at me, Louis looked pissed off. I mean he looked ready to kill Liam, Liam was still surprised.

"I agree, me and Liam need some privacy," I said, I walked over and pushed them out of the room, shutting the door. I turned and pressed my back to it, sighing in relief.

"Wow," Liam said, standing up I gasped in shock, I had forgot he was in the room.

"Oh, sorry Liam, I didn't know what to do, and I panicked." I said, hopefully things wouldn't turn awkward between us.

"No problem, Juney! Why would I care if I kissed you?" He asked, I shrugged.

"So what you want to do today?" He asked.

"Well . . . . . . . ."


TODAY'S QUOTE IS . . . . . .  DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!! Here goes, its easy btw.

"Vas happening?"

Hmmmmmmmmm? who is this? Well thanks for reading!!! 20,000 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all my fans I win! lol jk. i'd love to read ur fan fic books so just post the title on my message board or just PM me. Remember to guess the quote and who gets it first gets the chappy dedicated to them and they get me as there fan!!!! YAY!!!! lol enjoy!


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