Chapter 4 - Palace

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Wren opened her eyes, her head pounding. " W-what..?" She said, sitting up slightly. She felt Nova's arms around her tighten. " Nova? Whats going on?" She asked, moving from her grip. They were in a different part of the forest, and a small camp was set up. A fire was close to keep them warm. Wren turned to look down at Nova, who was waking up. " w...Wren? Wren! Are you okay?!" She asked, worry in her face. Wren grabbed her hand. " Don't worry, I'm fine. It just," She looked at her other hand. " Took alot out of me." She said, looking back at the warrior's worried face.

" o..ok.." Nova said, still alittle worried. " So.. Where are we?" Wren asked, glacing at the tall trees. " West, but we have to get up and keep going if we wanna..." She trailed off, picking up some supplies. Wren looked at her, confused at why she didnt finish. " Nov-" " Come on, you can sit behind me. " She said, patting the saddle of the white and black-speckled horse. Nova mounted and helped Wren onto the saddle.

The horse ran fast, causing Wren to grow alittle dizzy. She buried her face into the back of Nova's tunic. The ride took a few hours, occasionally stopping for water. They eventually arrived at a tall, blue palace. " What are we doing at the blue kingdom?" Wren asked, confused. " You needed to somewhere safe, I brought you here to stay that way." Nova said simply. Wren look at the palace, thoughts racing through her mind. Would she have to marry the prince? Would she have to leave Nova?! 'Never' She thought to herself.

They appraoched the large gates and saw several guards walking towards them. Nova took a deep breath and got off the horse. Wren look at her, confused.

" Are you the green princess?" One of the guards asked, as other guards approached.

" Everyone thought you had passed! How did you.."

The questions flooded in, but silence fell when the blue prince rushed out the gates. " Are you alright princess?" He said, helping Wren off of the horse. Nova stood back, jealously and anger coursing through her veins as the prince kissed her hand.

" My name is Jonathan, Prince of the Blue kingdom." He said, leading Wren forward without letting her introduce herself. Nova twitched and walked forward, but a guard stopped her from following. " H-Hey! What are you doing!" Nova sputtered, getting Wren's attention. Wren spun around forcing Jonathan to release her. " Let her forward! She is my guard, not one of Blue. She will accompany me, at my side at all times. Is that clear?" She said angrily, becoming red. The guard sputtered out an excuse, which Wren grabbed Nova's hand and pulled her away from the brute. " Thank you, Wr- My princess!" Nova sputtered nervously as they walled back forward to the prince, who as astonished. No princess was so assertive and firm. He liked that.

Nova held Wren's hand firmly as they walked through the large corridors. They finally arrived in front of a large blue door. " The princess can stay with me in my room, and because you are her top guard, you will get your own. Go down the hallway to the left." He said, grabbing Wren's hand and pulling her away from Nova. Nova's hand shot to her belt, clutching her staff. Wren's breath picked up and she pulled away from him. She stared at him im rage for a few moments and then calmed down. " I will no-" " She will stay in my room." Nova interrupted. She grabbed Wren's hand, but Wren backed away from both of them. " I would like a room for myself for now! I can decide!" Wren yelled, suddenly embrassed for being so loud. Nova and Jonathan simply stared at her, mouths agape. " W-well! I do apologize Wre-... Princess, I just thought.." Nova trailed off. " Its okay, I know you have good intentions, both of you. But I would just like to have a little alone time before dinner. Now, please show me my room, Jonathan." She finished, upset. Nova sighed and proceeded to her room, ploping down on her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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