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*beep beep* Today was the first day of school, well, for me. I recently moved to a new state, Texas. I used to live in Hawaii and I loved it there. But sadly, I had to leave. I wake up and look at the clock, 6:05, I have to leave at 7:00 so I had about an hour to get ready, I head to the bathroom and just stare at myself, wondering and hoping today will be good. I start off by wearing light blue ripped jeans. And a gray crop top hoodie. I threw my hair up in a perfect messy bun, grab my backpack and head out the door. Now if you knew me, I am super awkward and hate causing attention to myself, I really like to read so I check my backpack to make sure my favorite book is in there.  Once my mom drops me off, I head to the office because that's where the lady on the phone told me to go to. As I'm walking, a girl with short blonde hair, glasses and freckles walks up to me, "you must be the new girl!" She said happily "you found me," I said back "well my name is Danielle Mayer, but everybody calls me Dani," she introduced herself and we started walking together, " I never got your name," she told me half way to the office, " oh yeah haha, I'm Aria." "Cool, well this is my stop, nice to meet you, oh! And here's my number if you need anything," she told me, "thanks," I said, I added her contacts into my phone, "her names Dani hm... I'm gonna put Danimal." I laugh as I finish walking to the office. When I walked into the office, I noticed that all the people there were young, I kind of liked that because at my old school, a lot of old people worked there and I smelt like gross soggy cheese. But here it smelt like fresh watermelon. I started looking around, "Hey!" Someone said to me, it startled me, but I just realized it was an office lady, " oh, hello," I said to her, "My name is Ms.Diana, let me show you your locker, classes, and around the school."
I liked ms.Diana, she was kind, funny and pretty. She also had a twenty øne piløts necklace on! Once she finished, it was about lunch time, so I head onto the cafeteria, I look around realizing I know nobody in here, but I heard my name being called so I turn around "Aria!" "Aria!"  It was Dani, i head on over to her, expecting a bunch of other students, but no, just her. We finished lunch and headed to class, since we had Math together, we decided to walk to the class. After school my mom picked me up "how was your first day honey?" My mom asked, "it was great." :)

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