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I can't feel my face.

No, it's not like that catchy Weeknd song where he can't feel his face when he's with a girl (or a guy for that matter- because damn right I support it), probably because they've been making out rather heavily. Or because he/she slapped him. Or maybe because he suffers from face paralysis.

But I'm drifting off topic.

I haven't been making out with a guy, or a girl (For the record, I'm as straight as an uncooked piece of spaghetti), I haven't been slapped, nor do I have face paralysis.

I just can't feel my face. I would've tried to pinch it, or slap it or do something to make sure I felt something, but the fact that my hands are tied behind my back kind of stop me from doing that.

What it really feels is like a dentist gave me an overdose of anaesthetic before pulling all my teeth out.

But I can't tell if I have my teeth or not because, like I said, I can't feel my face.

I must be a sorry sight, with tied up arms and feet, and a face that I'm pretty certain my face is swelled up to the size of a melon, because I can barely see through the slits my eyes have been reduced to.

And as I sat in that dark, dingy room, listening to the sound of my drool hitting the ground because I couldn't close my mouth, I just wondered how things came to this.

I mean, it was only one week ago that I announced to my best friend that I was the luckiest darn girl in the whole world, because I passed a test I didn't study for (and that too just barely).

'Lucky' my derrière.

Author's note:
Your turn, Trigger.
And people, the title, description, category and everything in this book will be changed soon, because at this point, neither one of us know what's going on.

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