Chapter- 1

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'But are you sure she's the one?'

'She was the one in the - ow!'

There was the sound of flesh against flesh, and I strained my eyes further in a useless attempt to see who was talking in the dull light.

For almost an hour now, or so it seemed, I had been poked and jabbed at by what felt like some seriously pointed sticks while I listened to two people talking – the classic underdog and bully combination.

'Ehh, gentlemen?' I began, 'can I please know what's happening?'

No reply.

'Ladies..maybe- haha?'

Wow, I was still a whacko.

'Gah! This pile of bones talks so much,' one of them said.

'Yea,' the other snorted, 'yea- yea, jabbin and making noises,'

'Look at that thing,' something poked my cheeks, 'it's so ugly,'

Excuse me!

'Yeah, yea,- it's hideous'

Now they'd done it –

'Oh I'm sorry you don't like my face,' I yelled, 'but what to do, I am not my prettiest with my face black and blue from mistreatment!'

Something hit my stomach hard; really, really hard- enough to make me choke on my tongue and drift into a fit of coughs. 

'What are you idiots doing?'

There was a flash of light, and the place where I was being held captive suddenly lit up- not like I could see anything much anyway, my eyes were in pretty bad shape- but I could now make out three blurred shapes in the room.

Two chunky, short ones- and one really tall sculpted one.

'Lord Beelzebub!' the voices from earlier said.

'You cods!' the new, deep voice began, 'what have you done to the girl?'

'Well, she was giving us a lot of trouble'

'Well, that's what she's supposed to do,' Beelzebub said, 'she's Lucifer's half-heir- and you've just pissed him off!'

(And I pass on the office to mah partner in crimee) 

Untitled As Of NowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя