Chapter 23

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Kendall's POV.

"What would you like, darling," the lady at the counter asked. I ordered my usual drink before taking a seat at a table.

I closed my eyes, inhaling the aroma of coffee while I waited.

I had a pounding headache, something I should've gotten used to by now, with all of my stress, but never did.

"Primrose Everdeen!" a guy behind the counter yelled in a Hunger Games accent. A young girl, probably 14 years old, stood up from her table of friends and yelled,

"I volunteer as tribute!"

I chuckled to myself lightly, the Starbucks staff were the best, stuff like that always happened, and they just played along.

"Kendall!" I got up and walked

over to the guy holding my drink.

"You know, life would be easier if I were a Kardashian," he said with a fake pout while he typed stuff into the register. I laughed.

"Someone already told me that!"

"Awe man, I need to find that person and tell 'em to get their own lines." He smiled while handing over my drink. I thanked him before returning to my seat to grab my things. I couldn't stay, I had a ton of homework to do, and I had unluckily picked a busy hour for my favorite coffee shop.

I stepped into the streets, enjoying the recent warm weather. I sipped on my drink while following the sidewalks to my house.

"Mum, I'm back," I called out into our large home. There was no reply. I went into the kitchen, seeing the note taped to the fridge.


Your father and I had to rush to London, we'll be back mid-day tomorrow. Take care of your sister.


Mom & Dad


"Margo!" I called out, walking up the winding staircase to her bedroom. I knocked lightly in her door.

"Come in," a light whisper said. I opened the poster covered door, to find my sister laying on her stomach on her bed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said, worriedly shaking her shoulder.

"Nothing, nothing," her voice comes, mumbled through her pillows. I pull at her shoulder to get her to sit up, but she doesn't budge.

"Margo," I chuckle lightly. "Get up."

"No..." I furrow my brow, and yank at her shoulder harder. Finally, her body flips and I gasp.

Her right eye was swollen shut, a purple bruise circling it.

"Wh-what happened?" I stutter out. Margo lets out a shaky breath before speaking.

"Some kids on my bus..."

"Someone from your school did this to you? Why?"

"They..well they...they saw me running home from the bus everyday..."

"Why would you run home?"


"Margo," I said firmly. "Why would you run home from the bus?"

"I-I wanted to make sure...that you didn't kill yourself while I was gone."

My stomach flipped.

I didn't think that she knew about my cutting.

"Margo...I-I have stopped my self-harming," I lie, trying to put my little sister at ease. Margo lets out a sigh.

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