Chapter 27

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Harry's POV.

The phone fell from my hand, crashing to the floor.

I could hear Kendall's voice, trying to make herself be heard by myself.

"Hello?" she asked over and over. I shook my head slowly before picking up the hopefully not damaged phone from the ground.

"What does this mean?" I whispered softly.

"It means we have to go and look for him."

Then I heard a beep, notifying that the call had ended.


Kendall's POV.

I hung up quickly, dialing a number I had never used yet in my life.

"Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?"

"I need a search crew, immediately."

After telling her details, she told me that a date had already been set up to search for the missing boy.

I shoved my phone in my pocket, running down the stairs quicker than I ever had before. I swung the door open, running out onto the streets in a sprint.

"Liam!" I yelled, curving my way throughout the streets until arriving on his road. His house finally came into view, causing my heart rate to go up rapidly. I knocked on the wooden door, my hand shaking making it sort of hard.

Finally the door swung open, revealing a pale Karen, her cheeks tear-stained. I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay. We're going to find him. We are."

She sniffed quietly before slowly pulling away.

"I'm gonna go take a look around, if you don't mind," I asked kindly.

"No, do whatever you need to darling," she whispered, a crooked smile gracing her features. I nodded.

I made my way into the backyard, the bushes on the side of the house consisting of bright yellow flowers. I couldn't help but smile at the small stepping stone with Liam's handprint in it, an art project from many years ago, clearly.

Near the back of the yard, a large tree grew up into the sky, it's branches holding a rather large treehouse in it's grasp. I circled the tree, finding a rope ladder leading up into the leaves of the branches.

I carefully stepped onto the rope, putting all of my weight on it. It seemed sturdy enough, so I continued on.

Once I was about halfway up, I stopped, taking a breath before looking down.


It was a long way down.

I shook my head, about to step onto the next rung until a loud ripping noise came from the rope near my left hand.

I let out a scream as the rope split, leaving me hanging onto the rope vertically. My hand slowly slid lower and lower on the rope, until I could feel the fraying of where it split off.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

And then, I fell.


Harry's POV.

I sprinted as fast as I could.


Once again, I found myself at Kendall's bedside, at the hospital.

Her body was bandaged and wrapped in casts.

After shoeing the doctors out of the room, I sat on the edge of her bed.

"Hey," I whispered. I let out a sigh of relief as the corners of her mouth turned up into a small smile.


"How are you feeling?" I asked kindly.

"Eh, I've been better." She managed a chuckle, but had to stop as I assumed her whole body hurt, no matter the movement.

"Well, I just thought that you would like to know that they are still searching for him," I said kindly but carefully, trying to not set off any nerves.

Her gaze immediately fell to her hands.

"That's good."

I could sense the build up of her emotions, the way that they brimmed the small tears in her body, waiting for it to shatter into pieces.

Her mouth opened, then shut, as if she were about to say something but decided against it.

"How much longer until I can leave this place," she groaned, leaning back into the small hospital bed.

"I don't know, I'll go ask someone." I stood up, walking out the door an into the bright hallway.

"Um excuse me," I asked the lady at the counter.

After talking to her and figuring out dates and therapy sessions, I thanked her and made my way back to Kendall's room.

"Two years," I stated bluntly.

"Until I get out?" she stuttered in confusion.

"No I'm just kidding," I laughed, watching her face melt from confused to annoyed. "Only two weeks."

"Okay, okay, very funny," she said while rolling her eyes at me, only making me laugh harder.

"How about I tell you some jokes?" I asked excitedly.

Kendall slapped her hands over her eyes, dragging them down over her face. "I guess we better get this over with now," she muttered.

"Lets see," I smiled while rubbing my hands together.

"Okay, I have a really good knock-knock joke, but you have to start it." She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Knock-knock," she breathed. I smirked.

"Who's there?"

There was a long pause, Kendall looking at me like I had two heads.

I burst out laughing.

"What the hell, Harry," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's it, that's the joke," I laughed harder. All the while she just stared at me, of course, rolling her eyes.

I coughed quickly, clearing my coughs. "Okay, another."

"What did Batman say to Robin before he got in the car?" Kendall looked deep in thought as she tried to figure out the answer.

"I don't know," she sighed in defeat.

"Get in the car," I burst out laughing. I watched as Kendall tried to contain her smile, but failed miserably. She started laughing until we were both clutching our stomachs while we howled with laughter.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, ad I picked it up, a bit annoyed because it ended Kendall's small time of joy.


"Hello, is this Harold Styles?"

"Yes..." I cringed at my full name.

"We've got something that may lead us to Liam."

"What?" I exclaimed, sitting up in my seat, my mind running in a million different directions.

"We found a journal."


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