Chapter One

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Your POV

I pulled myself off of the airplane that had just arrived in Death City. I let out a large sigh as I shoved my way through the crowded airport. I ran into someone and fell dropping my suitcase which happened to be opened and everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) flew out. I blushed to see my favorite laced underwear in the middle of the floor.

"Uh, terribly sorry miss" The man murmered. I looked into his yellow goldish gazed, He bent down lending me a hand and them he pulled me up.

"I'll just uh, help you" He muttered grabbing some clothing off of the ground. He grabbed one of my bras and looked at it trying to find out how to fold it. He then folded it and placed it neatly in my suitcase. I went to go help him but I just froze up of embarressment. Once the tall man packed my stuff he folded up the suitcase and handed it to me.

"Th-Thanks" I murmered grabbing the suitcase with shaky hands. The man brushed his black hair out of his face and smiled in reply. I then realized he had three stripes on one side of his head.

I went to walk past him but was tripped by someone, I fell onto him and was now pelvis to pelvis with the man. His faced turned a bright red, same with mine. I went to pull myself off and fell back down my lips slamming against his. I closed my eyes during the fall and opened them, I pulled back and I felt my face become warm.

"S-Sorry" I muttered and finally pulled myself up. The man stood up and nodded his head slightly feeling embarressed. He walked off and I finally left the airport.

~Time Skip~

I walked on the sidewalk underneath the hot sun which was beating down on me.

"Ugh" I groaned, "Where the hell is the damn apartments" I snarled wiping my forehead. After a while I passed out from a heat stroke.

~Time skip once more~

I awoke in a room with black and white walls and black blankets.

"mmph, where am I" I muttered holding my head. The door opened and the man at the airport entered the room. He didnt say anything he just came in placed food on my nightstand then left.

I grabbed the food and wolfed it down seeing how I hadnt ate for three days because I wont eat airplane food.

I let out a large yawn and wiped my eyes. I set the tray down on the nightstand and fell into a deep sleep.

~Tha Next Day~

I awoke in the same room and saw a new tray on the nightstand. There was some scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. I grabbed the plate and wolfed down the food. I jumped out of my bed and dug through my suitcase, I grabbed some clothes and slid them on. I ran out the door and ran to the school. I was about to run inside when I saw a blue haired kid, a white haired kid, and the kid that I ran into at the airport. They were batteling when all of a sudden the white haired kid in his weapon form fell onto the blue haired guys head causing him to bleed majorly. I gasped slightly then just facepalmed slightly.

~Time Skip~

I was now inside my first hour where a teacher was talking about dissecting and what not. I rested my head on my arms and slowly fell asleep then all of a sudden the teacher called on me.

"(Your Name), head to the office, there you will get your miester" He yelled making me jump a bit.

"y-yes sir" I said everyone laughing at me and how high I jumped. I stood up and left the room traveling the halls.

~Time skip~

After about an hour I was still looking for the office and finally I just gave up. I leaned against the wall pulling out my IPhone plugging in my headphones. I played a few Green Day songs when all of a sudden someone tapped on my shoulder. I unplugged one headphone and looked at him to see it was that guy from the airport.

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