Chapter Eleven

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"Are you sure you didn't just, hear them wrong?" Stein asked growing a bit more worried.

(F/N) shook her head violently.
"I heard the voice as clear as day" She sighed.

Stein just grunted and looked at the ground in deep thought.
Finally he just shrugged and stretched his arms out wide.

"Kid should be healing more now" Stein said standing.

(F/N) nodded and stood with him. She set the tea down and began walking down to the infirmary. She saw Kid standing outside of the infirmary door already in his casual clothes and ready to leave.

"Damn, you heal fast" She said as she approached Kid.

"I'm a shinagami. Of course I do" He walked towards (F/N) embracing her in his arms.

She smiled. Kid let go and began walking to the main doors.
I looked back at Stein and mouth a 'thank you'
He just nodded in reply and smiled. I followed behind Kid.

"So I guess we're not going to school today?" I asked him awkwardly.

"No way in hell am I coming here two times in one day" He mumbled in reply.

I slightly laughed at his bitterness and followed him all the way home.


(F/N) laid back in her bed, Sleeping With Sirens blaring from her phone speakers. She smiled at the songs and stared at the ceiling.
Slowly her mind wandered to the voice. She felt a bit uncomfortable but was dragged deep into thought.
Who the hell was that and why did they want her.

"Then again everybody seems to be after me" (F/N) mumbled.

She turned on her side and fell into a deep sleep. Dreaming away her problems and fears.

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