Chapter Six

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While trying to find Chris and (F/N) Kid heard a strange ring from his mirror. He pulled it out of his pocket and awnsered to see Chris sitting next to (F/N) in the car.

"Oh hello there, lucky me your little weapon here carries a handy mirror around" Chris smirked. Kid gritted his teeth and felt miserable to see what condition his beloved was in.

"K-Kid" (F/N) stuttered.

"Give her back you bastard!" Kid yelled. Everyone just stared at him, surprised of the words he was using.

"Tsk, you think that's all its going to take, sorry but she's mine, no way in hell am I giving her back" He snickered and used his index finger to hold her chin. He forced her to face him and kissed her. Kids eyes widened and became even more pissed. (F/N) tried pulling away but he wouldn't allow her. He broke the kiss then smirked.

"Damn y-" The call quickly ended cutting Kid off. As Kid was about to slam his mirror to the hard ground Maka grabbed his small wrist.

"Kid, calm down we'll get her back soon" Maka said calmly. Kid only nodded and put the mirror away.

He put Pati back in his right hand and went ahead of everyone on his beezlebub.

"Kid shouldn't you wait for them?" Liz asked.

"No all I care about right now is (F/N)" Kid snapped. He began moving faster.

Kid got another call. He slightly slowed down and began reaching for the mirror.

"Kid, don't answer it, we need to hurry" Liz said strictly.

Kid just sighed and gave a slight nod. He began moving at the same fast pace. His teeth began grinding together as he searched for a clue to where they may have went.

"Kid, calm down, you will find her. I'm sure of it" Liz said soothingly.

"Sorry its just, I truley love her and this was the last thing I wanted" Kid sighed slowing down.

The car stopped in front of the manor that leaned over the car like a giant staring down at them.
Chris pulled (F/N) out of the car. He calmly began leading her towards the room which she had previously stayed in.

"Sit, for punishment I will be your customer for today" Chris smirked then left the room to prepare.

"This really isn't good. What will I do if they aren't able to find the manor" The girl sighed and placed her face in her hands.

With a sigh, she took off her shoe pulling out a mirror intended for makeup. She huffed on the glass to fog it up and began writing Kids number.
He hadn't picked up. Slightly irritated she just quickly put in Steins number, getting an answer almost instantly.

"Hello (F/N) is this you?" He asked running and looking ahead of him.

"Yea its me, is Kid with you?" She asked puffing out her cheeks.
She was nervous of being caught, her heart was racing.

"No he went ahead of us, where are you at right now?" Stien replied.

"Im at the Enix manor, you heard of it?" (F/N) said glaring at the door every now and then.

"I have isnt that where teenage girls are sold then forc-"

"Dipshit, I don't need details"

"Take a chill pill girly just making a point"

"Idiot. Anyways, I should go. I think Chris is back" (F/N) quickly said and slid the mirror under the old wooden bed.

"Lets see, it's been a while so maybe you know the routine and how I like it yes?" Chris smirked.

She rolled her eyes and nodded. A silent growl escaped her lips as he crawled up on top of her. He grasped her wrists and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs. He cuffed one side of both pairs to each of her hands. The other end attaching to the bed.
Her eyes brimmed up with tears as he did this.

"No need to cry. You're home now" Chris whispered in her ear. He lightly nibbled her ear lobe and smirked widely.

"This isn't my home. My true home is with Kid" She spat.

He just chuckled as he licked up along her neck leaving kisses.
The door burst open as everyone stood there panting heavily. Everyone but Kid. Chris quickly turned his head and snarled as if he were a lion protecting his prey.

"Oh Maka don't look its not for you" Spirit yelled running up to Maka and covering her eyes.

Chris narrowed his eyes. "Interrupting patients is simply rude"

"Shut up and give her back" Maka snapped.

"Tch, it's not kind to ignore others. You have absolutely no manners" Chris sighed.

Stein walked up to Chris elbowing him in the face. Chris quickly fell off of the bed with a loud thud.

"Nng, I guess i'll have to do this the hard way" Chris snarled rubbing his nose in pain.
Chris's arm turned into a scythe and he ran toward Blackstar who was nearing to attack.

As Chris became busy with Blackstar, Stein ran over to me and grasped a key quickly taking off the cuffs.

"Thank You" (F/N) said quietly before blacking out.

"Everyone hurry she needs assistance immediately !" Stein called out. BlackStar* nodded and punched Chris. He ran up to us and we all ran out of the mansion.

Once the group reached outside guards soon began surrounding them.

"This is going to be a long night..." Stein mumbled.

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