Chapter Eight

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(F/N) slowly opened her eyes to a blinding light coming from the sun outside. She grumbled lightly but smiled at the warm feeling of being wrapped in Kids arms.
But soon her stomach let out a heavy growl.

"Food" Was all she managed to say, before wriggling out of Kids grasp and trailing into the kitchen.

Her vision was a bit clouded from her sleep but managed to make it to the kitchen. She quickly made some cereal, then entered the living room sitting on the couch. She flipped through the channels seeing nothing good.

She finally surrendered and decided to just watch the news. She got a spoonful of cereal and slid it into her mouth.
She looked up at the TV and her eyes widened in shock.
Chris, had been arrested!
Milk rolled from my mouth and down my chin as I sat there with my mouth hanging open.


Kid stepped out of the shower and grabbed his black and white towel. He wrapped it around his waist then made his way to his room to get dressed.
He dropped the towel to the floor as it pooled around his feet.

(F/N) nervously stood in front of the door. She then quickly opened it instantly being greeted by Kids pale ass.
She lightly screamed in shock not knowing he was naked. Her hand tightened around the doorknob and slammed it closed.
She turned and leaned against the door breathing heavily.

"What the fuck" She could hear Kid mumble.

She then felt a grin grow on her face as she began giggling quietly. She felt embarrassed but unsure why she reacted so badly.
Oh well.


"Kid, let's go to the park" (F/N) begged.

"It's going to be dark soon" He replied staring up at the ceiling.

"Please" She whined.

"For a little bit" He sighed closing his eyes.

(F/N) cheered happily and shot up. She put on her converse and tied her hair up into a bun.
Kid slowly stood up and slid on his shoes. He stood at the door waiting for (F/N).

She then quickly ran up to him and wrapped around his arms, laying her head on his shoulder.
He smiled and wrappe an arm around her waist.
They slowly began walking to the park in silence.


(F/N) bent down and picked up a baby frog. She smirked as Kid stood looking off into the distance.
She pulled the hem of his pants towards her and dropped the frog inside.
Kid instantly let out a loud squeal, shoving his hand into his pants trying to get the frog out.

"Don't kill it" (F/N) managed to say in between her laughs.

She could barely breath at this point as he finally pulled out the frog. The frog bounced from his hand and hopped away.
Kid then ran towards (F/N) and grabbed her by the waist. She screamed as she felt herself falling.
Instantly, she made contact with something wet.
He eyes widened as she realized that he threw her into the lake.

"If you're going to play with frogs then why not swim with them" Kid said teasingly. He went to walk away, but (F/N) jumped out of the lake and grabbed his ankle ripping him into the lake.

She couldn't take all this laughing in one day, all of the frogs and tadpoles surrounded him.

"Kid is a frog" She laughed more.

God, she loved this boy so much. And nothing would ever change that.


The both were walking home smiling about the recent events.
Kid then looked up at the sky.

"We should hurry, it's a bit to dark" Kid said, worried.

(F/N) only nodded understanding what he meant. They held eachothers hand tightly looking out for the creatures of the night.
Without warning, Kid was dragged to the ground by his ankle.

"Kid!" (F/N) yelled.

She went by his side checking if he was okay.

"What the hell was that" She whispered to herself.

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