11. Run, but not from your problems.

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I was in a terrible mood.

But today? Today was a bad day. Zeal was really busy, and things with Topaz just weren't working out. It felt like he didn't understand me anymore - the usual relationship issues everyone faces. 

And with Topaz and Zeal out of the picture, I didn't feel like I had anyone to speak to. Sure, I could play the keyboard or paint a masterpiece but that was just way too much effort. I felt like doing something to get out of the mood but I didn't want to do anything either. A very nice bunch of contradictions in my head. 

So I did the next best thing. I lay down on the bed, shut my eyes and stayed still till I went into my own mini world where none of these people or issues existed so that I'd wake up in another mind frame. And guess what? It didn't happen. I was still not the freshest I could be.

Which is why I went for a run.

The best thing about runs is that you feel good about yourself. Wearing a Nike sports bra makes you feel sexy as hell and the tights that stick to your feet make you feel unstoppable. Smart shoes are an added plus as you walk out of your house, tying your hair up in a bun looking ready for business. 

All geared up, I stepped onto concrete, wore the arm band securing my phone inside and blasted music before I began running. 

I ran by cars, I ran by people. It was a little uphill but that's okay. Sometimes I imagined people staring at me as I ran by, wishing they were me. Other moments, I just looked up at the sky or the buildings which are so European style even though I live in Mumbai. A run isn't complete if I don't think about how I should paint them all in light pastel shades to bring out their beauty at least once. 

I've crossed about two miles now and I'm finally close to the sea. The beach looks lovely and the only thing keeping me apart from it is one crossing. Once that much ground is covered, I'm running next to the sea. The sidewalk is full of people of all ages. A lot of foreigners are there as well, even though it's a Thursday evening. There are a few runners like me, and cyclists pass us by on the road. It's very hot when I'm running towards Nariman point but when I start going back towards home, the breeze is to die for. 

I run five miles before I call it a day. It is the end of the day as well since the sun is almost about to set. Doing a few stretches before social awkwardness got to me, I sat down to watch the sea and sky. It was stunning. The happiness that I felt from my run was amazing as well. 

The feeling that you can conquer the world? That's what you get. And that's why I run. It makes me feel invincible, even when I'm feeling absolutely shitty about myself. 

I snapped a picture of the sunset too all my friends. 8km with this view, the caption read. Don't tease me now, a friend from the suburbs replied back. If only he knew I wasn't teasing him but just appreciating what all of us don't everyday.

I called up Aarsh though. He keeps going there since he loves the place. Sadly, his exams were going on so he couldn't make it.

But it's some amazing energy,  you know?

Running gives you that energy.

BUT IT DOESN'T SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. Running lets you physically and metaphorically run away from your problems and while you feel great temporarily, you can't possibly run every time you feel low.

Trust me, I've tried it. And that's what led to realisation #2. Run, but not from your problems. If something bothers you, look for solutions till you find one because everything else is just temporary relief.

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