Trouble in School

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*After One day*

Zelle's POV:

We were going to watch the school play at the school's auditorium, with Femie and Stracy.

Riley is not yet at school because they had their one hour vacant, their class started at 9:00 and ours started at 8:00. Riley and Stracy are not classmates but I don't know how they met. Well.. Me and Riley also are not classmates.

While at the schools auditorium we watched Romeo and Juliet. I cried at the ending part of the story because they both died in telling a lie.

But I wish our relationship will not be like that.

We sat near at the air con then after many minutes we smell like freshly cooked foods. And after that smell we can't breath normally, we feel like our troat stuck up inside. I asked Stracy and Femie what they feel.

"Stracy.. Femie.. What do you feel right now?"

"It feels like I can't swallow our saliva."

"And I can't breath normally."

"Me. too."

They both answer my question and people are standing up, so we stand up also.

I stand then I suddenly fainted on Stracy's arms I close my eyes and everything turned black.

Stracy's POV:

Zelle suddenly fell on my Shoulders while we standing up. As I can many students fainted also. The play has stopped and school's principal called an ambulance.

I get my phone off to my pocket and called Riley.

"Hello.. Riley.."


"This is a emergency.. Zelle and other students will bring to the hospital."

"What happened why.?"

"I'll explain to you later, but you need to go right now to the hospital. The ambulance is already here at school."

"OK.. Stracy..Bye.. I'll go to her house first to tell her mom."

Then the line ended.. The school nurse get her and put her to the stretcher and other students who fainted also, and bring to the hospital.

Me and Femie still can't breath well so we come to the hospital also just to check up with other students. But others who fainted quickly bring to the hospital.

Riley's POV:

When I hear that Zelle bring to the hospital because something bad happened to her I quickly get my skateboard and started skating till Zelle's house to inform her mother that something bad happened to her.

"Riley what are you doing here? You must be at school.?"

"I had to tell you something, Zelle something bad that happened to her. I was going to school then my phone rang, Stracy called me that I need to go to the hospital."

"Riley what happened.?"

"I don't know the reason why..But it was a emergency.."

Zelle's mother quickly get her car keys to drive to the hospital and I go with her.

After driving to the hospital I saw Stracy waiting us to the front door of the hospital together with Femie.

"Stracy, what happened?"

"It was a gas that spread over while we were watching the play, but you need to come to her right now."

"What room she is?"

"We don't know what room she is right now, but asked the information center."

Me and Zelle's mom quickly asked to the information center, and she was on the emergency room.

As I can see many students also feel like hard to take a breath, and we quickly went to emergency room.

Kate. (Zelle's mother) quickly run to her and hugged Zelle.

But I am so thanked to God that she is still breathing.

A doctor came up to Kate.

"Are you Kate Williams? Zelle's mother?"

"Yes.. I am. Why.?"

"Your daughter has a asthma,"


I was on the back of Kate and listening what the doctor says.

"She had a asthma, that's why she fainted due to the gas explosion at school."

My eyes got wide when I remember that the school has a play in this day.

"But how many days we can stay here at the hospital?"

"2 or 3 days I think. Because we need to find out if her blood has affected, but don't worry much she would be wake up soon, she is just fainted and she would be excuse all of her subjects on this following days."

Then the doctor started to leave.

I went out to the room and repent what I feel.

I am so mad that fucking person who sprayed the gas during the school play.

Then someone hold my back and when I turned it was Kate, Zelle's mom.

"Don't repent yourself Riley."

"I am not repenting my self."

"No you are.. You looked repenting. BTW thank you for everything for letting me know."

"No problem.. Mrs. Kate."

Then we hugged each other, and I went inside in the room to see Zelle.

I saw Stracy and Femie standing in front of Zelle.

I quickly hugged them for being knowing me, and I realize also that how Stracy changed.

A/N: Haha..Its not yet the ending part of the story.. Thank you so much for reading this..Please vote or comment.. But again I am so sorry that sometimes I can t read your comments, but I will always try my best to read..


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