Its Always A Good Time

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Zelle's POV:

After many minutes of skateboarding, I finally reached home. I lay on my bed and open the widow so that I can hear some twitting of birds and breath the fresh air.

I opened my phone to check some messages or notifications.

But when I opened it, I had no messages and notifications.

It seems so bored and nothing to do. I just lay on my bed and looked at the ceiling thinking what shall I do.

While thinking, I hear some footsteps out of my house. I looked at my window to see who's footsteps is that.

When I looked at it, I thought it was a birds nest that walking around the street. But it was Riley..

I quickly tear a paper from my notebook and write a letter..

"Hi..Birdie..Haha..I call you birdie because your hair looks like a birds nest..


I quickly formed the paper like a ball and throw it outside.. And I make sure that the paper will landed at his body or face..

I throw it sightly and finally I throw it.. I thought the paper will landed on his body. But the paper landed to his head..

"Ha!Ha! HEAD SHOT..!!!"

I keep on laughing and laughing.. It feels like we are not act like girlfriend and boyfriend. We are acted like a close friends..

Riley's POV:

What The!!! Who throw me a stupid paper that formed like a ball.?!!

So I opened the paper to know if it is a letter or not.

When I opened it.. It was a letter.. From Zelle.. My eyes narrowed at her for calling me a birdie..

I hear some loud laugh and it was Zelle, who keep on laughing me hard because she throw me a letter that probably head shot to me..

Good thing I bring a water bottle..

I knocked at their house and Mrs. Kate got it.

She let me entered. And I quickly run to Zelle's room. I hold the door nub and perfectly it was unlock..

I slowly opened the door.. And I found out she was laying on the bed and keep on laughing so hard..

I get the water bottle and slowly pour it to her face..

"Riley!!! McDonough!!"

"Haha..That's what for having a head shot."

"Aughh...Look what I am now I am wet!"

Zelle's POV:

I am wet!! Good thing I am not sticky..

"Riley..Get out of my room now..!"

"Why?? I just came in.."

"Because I would take a shower and changed my clothes.."


I let him out of my room. And take  shower and changed my clothes..

After changing I went downstairs to eat some chocolates that I keep on the refrigerator..

Then someone hold my back and I was frighten. When I turn back, it was Riley our face going closer..

I looked down because I don't want that we will kissed.

I quickly run outside of my house, then Riley is chasing me.

We are at the middle of the road chasing each other.

Then the dog started to barking, we looked at each other and the dog started chasing us.

We quickly run as fast as we could, until three dogs chasing us..

Riley and I climb at the tree so that the dog can't reach us.

Good thing that three stupid dogs back were they came from.

We go back down and walk and walk..We don't know what place we should go.

We saw an ice cream shop then we stopped their to buy ice cream..

After buying we sat at the bench..Tired.. And happy..

*After 20 minutes of walking.*

He sent me home..

So we kissed our cheeks and say BYE to each other..

"Ri..Thanks for the good time.. Bye."

"No problem Zelle..Bye.."

Then he started to leave and I go back to my room.

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