Tracker AU (Hetalia)

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Where countrues from Hetalia are able to sense where each one of their citizen's are so long as they're in their country. (Im going to tell you this one is kinda bad so you might want to skip over it.)

America sat on his dark blue couch, his hands held his head, his eyes flowing with tears. The news bladred loudly.
Another child gone missing...
He knew the boy to...He had become friends with him...
His mind flashed to the boy Simon Layland...
The nation could see the small preteen boy and his heart ached as he let out another strangled cry. The nation felt helpless everytime he heard of another missing person he often cried himself to sleep praying that the people would be found alive..

Suddenly the nation felt a sharp pain on his shoulder as he saw the young dark childs face flash into his mind.

The pinch was so startling and painful that the nation jumped up from the comfy couch.

The pain didn't subside. As a Nation body parts are your states.
"Washington..." America whispered he ripped off his bomber jacket and white button doen shirt leaving him in a white tank top.
The blonde young nation looked at his shoulder nothing was was fine...

A sudden idea flashed in his mind. He focused on Simon.
Simon riding his bike down the sidewalk to catch up to the nation to hug him just before he had to leave for a meeting at Hungary's place.

The pinch grew sharper and sharper on the nations fit arm until he let out a small yelp.

Excited and scared the Nation grabbed his iphone and called Englad.
The Nation breathed a sigh of relief when the older several browed nation answered.

"Yes Alfred?" The british voice came in
"IGGY HI!" The American couldn't helo but shout.
"Bloody 'Ell Alfred don't shout!"
"Sorry but dude I need you to come over right now I have an idea!"
The other nation was quiet for a moment.
"What sort of idea?"
"PLEASE DUDE I NEED YOU!" The Nation yelled almost crying with the overwhelming emotions that shook his brain.
"ALRIGHT!" England screamed before hanging up.

The Nation sat on his couch anxiously tapping his foot, his thought focused on the boy. Suddenly the horrible pinch began moving downwards. Alfred knew exactly with the direction of the pinch where the boy was heading.
America felt empathy raced through his body.
"Simon's terrifed of California.."
America thought to himself, he remembered the story about how America promised to take Simon to Disney Land but the boy shook in fear saying that his dad was murdered in Hollywood while doing a stunt for a film and he was right there when it happened.

Finally the wood door to the Nations apartment burst open with a angry/concerned Britian.
The Nation howled slaming the door shut.
America exicedly went up to the Nation and sat him down on his couch and sat in a chair across from him.
"Iggy!" America said before the Nati9n could start his chain of cursing.
"I was thinking about a kid who went missing and-and I can feel where he is! At least I think it is! Is it possible!?"

England sat in the couch, interested.
"I...I suppose it is if the Nation loves his people enough."

America brigtened, tears of joy streamed down his face.
"I'm going to make sure don't try it again until I say so."

America started to protest, "But Iggy we have to do it now! Simon could be out of here soon and he's scared I have to help him!"

The Englishman was already calling someone on his phone.
"Frog." England said strictly
"Listen I need you to tell me something. Can you sense where a person is like if they were taken."

America heard a quiet
"Oui," and that was all he needed.
"Get to America's now!" The man said hanging up his phone knowing what the personification America was doing.
The Nation was locating the exact loaction of the boy and it did hurt mentally and physcially. Sweat began to roll down his face, as he began to see the loaction clearly.
"America stop!" Englands faded voice said but the Nation didn't.
He began to mumble the loaction quietly, over and over.

It seemed like hours until America snapped back to relaity. A concerned England sat right across from him, his gloved hands right on Americas (which were on his lap) and his pale forehead was up against the younger nation's.
America was pantinglooking into the green eyes of his crush-friend, friend.
France stood by the door a scared look on his face, tears in his eyes.
"You idiot!" France said rushing to his son, grabbing him in his arms, crying.
"It can cause a Nation to have a heart attack or become paralised for hours!"
America hugged his father figure back.
"What-" he was cut off by England
"You didn't even know France came here you kept mumbling locations and humans names..."
"No more doing that Idiot!" France cried
This led to an argument that lasted for hours.
"But France-"
"No 'buts' I know it's right but we can't do that we become vunrable and can easily be attacked or our bosses can do whatever the Hell the want to our people."
"You guys can watch over me for a bit!"
"A bit!?" England said
"Alfred we would have to say you were a colony! You would be out for maybe years!"
"I dont care they deserve to be home! I need to save them!"
"Stop trying to be a hero please and start zhinking about the others as well! It ez tempting to do I did it when I looked for Joan and I was to late!" France cried.
"Look we've reported zhe name to zhe police an they are 'eading there now."
France left soon after the argument not before tying to make up with his son.
England stayed a bit longer comforting the blonde younger nation. He didn't know that it was possible for Nations to do this but it was always at a cost.
America soon tried again and again to help recording it all. His boss once he had these recordings did nothing but destroyed them. This started the cycle of depression for the Nation, that was until he started to track down the childeren himself...but the rest of that is a story for another time.

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