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I unlock the door to my apartmemt, it's five in the fucking morning. I take off my Mcdonalds apron and hang it up by the door, by my Pizza hut apron. I work two jobs and go to online school so there's not a lot of room for sleep.
As I walk into my apartment  the door I can smell the horroble stench of Pizza Hut mixed with McDonald's, crinching up my nose I begin to strip down walking my way to the small bathroom.

The feeling of the warm water run down my  pale back makes me smile, God i needed this.
I begin to shampoo my dark red hair, I begin to sing 'I know what you did last summer,' poorly but still singing.
"He knows, dirty secrets that I keep, does he know it's killing me he knows, he knows, he knows, anothers hands have touched my skin, I wont tell him where I've been he knows, he knows he knows."

"It's tearing me apart." I hear another amazing singing voice, i look around the room, my blue eyes wide with shock. No one is there with me. I l9ok above me and see the vent above me open.
"I swear I'm not a pervert," the male voice yells
"Im taking a shower too just literally next door."

"Okay, then." I say ready to punch anything that walks in the door.
"I'm so sorry I just ruined your shower."
I let put a small laugh "No it's fine your good at singing."
"Thanks." The voice says again
"Katelyn." I say,
"Grant." The voice says.

"Im slippin away." I begin to sing again.
Granted that it might be a bad idea but hey maybe this can be the start of a best friendship.
"Am I just haning onto all the words she use to say," Grant sings again.
Jesus christ, his voice is amazing.
"The pictures on my/her phone."
"She's/I'm not comming home."
"Coming home, coming hooome~." That sucked on my part.
"I know what you did last summer,"
"Just lie to me theres no other.
"I know ehat you did last summer tell me where you been."
I begin to rimse the shampoo out of my hair.
"When she looks me in the eyes i can't see the promise of that night,  no more, no more, no more."
Wrong lyrics but he makes it work.
"Cross my heart and hope to die!"
This went on for another few songs, until my mysterious neighbor said he had to leave for his shift.

The next morning i began to sing moves like jager as I made brekfast. Then hearing an acoustic  guitar come through the vents, playing aling with the melody.

We talked through the kitchen vent a few times but were too shy to go knock on each others doors. Granted I know how silly that is but it's the truth.

Finally one day after work, i brought home something in a Krogers plastic bag. I pulled my red hair up into a pony tail and began working on the baked good. My green eyes were focused as ever as I worked on the brownies hoping that i didn't mess anything up.

Finally they were done. They looked sooo good~. God, it took all the strengthin me not to eat them myself. I tried making myself look presentable and walked over to the next door on the right.

An old man with a bald head came and answered the door. He was obviously high, I hid my brownies behind my back and appologized.
"I'm so sorry sor wrong door."
"Well," the bald man said, his beer gut bumping me. I  this guy wasn't Grant, for one thing this guys voice was too low, but I asked anyway.
"Are you Grant?"
The man shook his head, "I'm just a sinner named Hanes, and this must be the right house because I needed saved and here's an angel."
Oh my God kill me now that was so bad.
I laughed nervously then suddenly the door across from mine opened, a younger man with an acoustic gutiar strapped to his back came out, he was tall, African American, had dark curly hair.
I quickly walked over to the man and tapped his shoulder.
"Grant?" I asked hopeful, the man turned to face me with his bih dark eyes. His eyes did a double take on me.
"Katelyn?" He asked amazed, i nodded.
"Figured you might be hungry so I uhm." I said pulling out the brownies realising how desperate i was looking.
"Wow thanks." He said looking at the beownies.
"Listen I was going out, but if you want to share those when I get back I'd be glad too."

"Alright." I said smiling.

I started to like singing a whole lot more that day as we shared the brownies. Oh, don't worry we didn't have sex, but we did have a lot more singing in the shower times through the vents.

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