Orginal characters of a friend and me.
Trigger warning. Molestation, self hate, douche people.

Roya, a long dark brown haired girl with black tips took a long breath, her unlit cigarette flicked between her teeth.
The police sirens in the ghetto Chicago area were pretty frequent that night. The pale girl felt her phone buzz inside her black leather jacket.

She opened it up and unlocked, opening the message.

Baby <3
Get. Your. Ass. Home. Now.

Roya sighed what could she have possibly done now. She placed the cancer stick back into its  box and began to walk home, her black hunting boots clicking softly against the concrete.

The young nineteen year olds dark green eyes flicked across the dimly lit alleyway, watching carefully.

She began to softly whistle a random song from RENT, not caring weather or not if it destroyed her tough image. Her apartment complex was large, old, and bricked, it took her a few minutes to get inside the builind and walk up to her third third room floor. The hallway smelled of weed and febreez, which the girl was use to. The young girl placed her key in the lock and opened the door closing it quickly as she saw her boyfriend lying on the recliner. He sat up quickly making the girl stop her whistling.

"Where the Hell have you been?" He asked annoyed.

"I should ask you the same," the girl said crossing her arms
"You've been gone for a few months."
She knew tears were in her eyes, an instinct inside of her begging her to run to her lover.
The tall blonde male glared at the girl with his icey blue eyes. Causing the girl to look away.
"Did you meet a nice girl when you were gone?" She asked her head down
"You deserve better then me."
"Roya what the Hell-"
"I'm telling you everything before you leave again, Jordan," Her voice was a hiss "because i know you'll lay me down and make me feel like a queen tonight but take my crown in the morning."
Jordan's handsome face was expressionless and was silent as his darker colored arms were now uncrossed, his Toyko Ghoul shirt now on full view.
"You deserve better than a crazy bitch, Norwood told me you were cheating okay? I get it. You hate me. You really fucking hate me. It's my fault. I hurt you don't I?"
"Roya," Jordan said trying to get the girl to stop.
"So sorry for fucking up your fucking life jerkface."
"You don't care but you're still listening but if we were talking over the phone you would've stopped responding like you did before we met in real life."

"Yeah, and I'm glad my punk-ass stopped talking to you. Jesus christ just shit up already you over reactive, emotional bitch!" Jordan said pushing the girl up against the door.
"Bedroom. Five minutes. Clear?"
Roya with tears still painfully being held back nodded silently, which earned her a kiss on the cheek. Jordan left the living room to go to the bathroom, giving Roya the opportunity to run out of the building crying. She ran and cried as softly and stealthily as she could. The pale, black tang top wearing girl stopped between the alleyway of the library and the bank. She let out a small sob before slouching against the stone library wall and sitting on the dirt ground crying into her knees.

Jordans pov
I sat in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. God, I'm a fucking douche bag, I do love Roya so why do I treat her like this? Norwoods my little sister where the Hell did she hear I was cheating from? Whenever I leave it's just to look around the world, I want to do that stuff with Roya. No more shit. I'm going to treat like a queen but I'll never let that crown be taken off of her head again.
I walk outside the bathroom, straight into the bedroom, Roya wasn't there.
"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath, rushing to grab my Nikes and then running to the door, Royas phone was right on the welcome matt. Fuck me!

I grabbed her phone and ran out the door, thinking of places she could be. Uhh...Starbucks? No too far, and too cold out. School parking lot?  She'd need a bus. Library? No closed. Still, something told me to go there. The park! Yes of course! She loves climbing the trees, God it's cute when she does that.

Third person pov.
Roya sat there, in the alleyway trying to stop crying.
"You fucking dumb whore!" A voice in Royas head screeched. She placed her cold hands to her ears hoping to block them out.
"Bitch, slut, hoe, stupid, ass, fat, worthless."
The voice kept screaming which made her cry more until she took her hands off of her ears hearing footsteps.

"Hey, there cutie." A slurred male voice said.
"Whacha doin all sad an lonely out here?"
Roya didn't answer.
"Bad breakup?" The male figure said getting closer he was tall like Jordan but he was buffer and paler, his clothes torn and had barf of the front of his Nike shirt.
"C'mon and I'll show you a good time."
"No thank you," Roya said coldly.
The man's husky laugh stopped next thing Roya knew she was being pushed against the wall a leg being pushed up to her vagina.
"You like this don't you slut?" The man said
Roya struggled tears falling down her face.
"Stop." She said loudly cries in her voice.
"Please!" She screeched hoping someone would hear her. The man began to nip at her neck. The girl felt her wrists throbbing painfully, she cried out again begging someone to help her, the man put the girl's hands together, holding her hands in one of his he placed his hand down the girl's shorts.
"NO STOP! PLEASE!" She cried harder.
Suddenly the man was ripped away from her, another figure began kicking the man. The alcohol began to take over the drunks body making him weak. Roya fell to the ground a piece of glass feel into her leg, making her cry out though she did her best to hold it in. The other figure forgetting the man rushed over to Roya picking her up bridal style as she tried and struggled again.
"Roya." A familiar voice said calmly, she stopped and looked up. Jordan held her close to ho him, as Roya buried her face in the crook of his neck, her favorite place other than his chest.
"Shhh.." Jordan whispered.
"I'm here baby...i'm here ssshh."
"You jerk!" Riya whispered, "Thank you so much."
"It's okay baby girl shh.. It's okay. I'm so sorry." The soft words whispered into the girls' ears as they walked to the hospital. Royas right wrist was broken, the glass in her leg was taken out easily, and a report was filled against the man.

As the two walked into their home Jordan wrapped his arms around the girl. His face buried into her long brown hair.
"Ich Liebe Dich." The tall blonde said,
"I'll sleep on the couch." He said,
"No." Roya whimpered.
"Okay." Jordan whispered his girl, "Okay."
The two went to bed Jordan holding the girl in his arms.
"I'm never hurting you again okay?" Jordan said,
"Never. I'm never going to leave you for so long, im never going to abandon you again, be a dick again, or  let your crown be taken off again."
Roya cried into the mans chest, which allowed the man to sooth the girl more.
"I didn't cheat, I don't know where Norwood got that from." He whispered comforting the girl more.
"I'm sorry." Roya whimpered.
Jordan pulled back a bit, tilted the girls head up so they were looming into each other's eyes.
"Don't be sorry okay? It's my fault. I love you so much."
"I love you too." Thd girl sobbed as the two held each other the entire night. When Roya woke up Jordan was still there.

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