My Goodbye

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Warning suicide, depression trigger warning if you are sensitive to this please do not read you beautiful cheery blossoms.

Brown hair flicked in the wind, it wasn't like in the movies either where it flicks so dramatically around you, it went in their face and mouth. They stood at the edge of the bridge.

They deserved this. That's what they believed, that it gets better crap may be true but not to her.

They were ready for this. they were done with the voices, with hurting angels, their friends, they was becoming a horrible person. That's what this paranoid scythophernzic teen believed. The looked up at the sky it was so beautiful, the stars were orb like and peaceful.

They thought of their mother, father, friends.

They knew that they would miss them but it was better this way. They would be happy and safe.

"Father." The teen said with tears in their eyes "Forgive me for I-" They were cut off by their short intake of breath, tears streaming down their cheeks.

"For I am about to sin."

With that the catholic teen jumped from the bridge, they felt the wind on their face, and fear. It was too late though, they couldn't go back. Within a few seconds their was nothing to fear, no more hopes, dreams, tears. Nothing for the child that laid on the rocks.

How do I know this? I'm their friend, best friend actually.

I had found them, their was a note explaining why they did this.
How did I react?

I screamed, I screamed and rushed to them begging them to wake up trying to stop the bleeding but they were cold as ice. This image of their blood on my hands will never leave me, along with my scream. I will remember this forever....I wish they had told me...I sat their and cried until I couldn't anymore, even when the ambulance came, when their mom came. She screamed louder than me and cried with me.

This was fifty six years ago and here I am a depressed elder looking at the picture of us as children on our first day of high school. How could I not see their fake smile? My child has their name, and my grandchildren and happy teens. I know what to look for now and I wish I had known back then, maybe then my friend you would be sitting here with me, in this old nursing home, listening to that God awful Beyonce song we always made fun of.

Would be asleep in the bed next to me? Would you be expecting me to wake the next morning? Would you find me dead in my bed? Would you curse the old age for taking me? Would you curse God and Death? Would you beg me to wake up as I did to you? I apologize to my love for leaving so soon. Their pain will haunt me too, however I won't appoligize to you when I see you again. I'll be so joyful to see you again my friend, no need to wait any longer for here I am.

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