Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Thoughts of Joel and dining with him occupied my mind before I drifted off to dreamland. I had a great time.  Something I never had for the longest time. And for the first time in a long time, I feel so attracted to a guy. I often see drop dead gorgeous men, but it's different to hang out with one. I'm not that gullible when it comes to looks, but somehow there is something about Joel that draws me to him. He's easygoing, smart, funny, and very much good looking, with a body to die for and a basketball deftness admired by many. I'd say,  he's a total package. Women would kill to have him. And I'm one lucky girl to be his next door neighbor!

The moment I woke up, I feel so energized to start my day. I've only met the guy and he already has this effect on me. After I showered, I heard a light knock on the door. I put on my robe and dashed to the door.

"Who's there?" I queried before opening. But there was no response. Who could it be? Could it be Joel needing another shower? Hahaha... A girl crushing on him could only wish. I grinned like a weirdo.

I schooled my excitement and out of curiosity I opened the door. There was no one outside. I looked around and there was nobody in sight. The hallway was deserted. But when I looked down, I saw a plastic with a food container in it. I picked it up and examined the content. It's a home cooked breakfast, bacon and egg with fried rice. On the lid of the container was a sticky note. Written in a clean masculine stroke was a heart-melting message which said, Good morning beautiful, I made you some breakfast. Joel.

Whoahhh!! Sweetness overload! I feel like swooning. I could hardly believe that he would go out of his way to make me this mouthwatering breakfast. How sweet of him. I waste no time in devouring the hearty meal he prepared for me. Yummy...Another plus factor--the guy can cook!

I reported to work lightheartedly. It must be the breakfast. I smiled to myself remembering the sweet gesture of my hot neighbor. Who could refuse a tempting breakfast from an equally tempting man of abs! What?! Urghh.. What am I thinking? Stop it Ella! I chided myself with my train of thoughts and the direction it's heading. When have I become so physically attracted to the opposite sex huh?

"Good morning Miss P, how was the date with the basketball heartthrob?" Chrisjean, a friend of Glynn excitedly asked when I joined them at the locker room to get myself ready for my first period class. Glynn lightly nudged Chrisjean, surprised by her bluntness.

"Shut up CJ, you're so nosy. It's none of your business!" Glynn chastised  her friend.

"You're no fun Glynn. I was just fishing some info as to how nice is my ultimate crush Joel!" Chrisjean responded with a giggle.

"Enough of that bickering girls. Let's go to the field while it's still early. Let's do some warm up exercises then proceed to team game," I hastily meddled to avoid going into details. "And yeah, the date was great and Joel was pretty cool. I had fun last night." I added with a sheepish grin before exiting the locker room.

I was all sweat when the team game activity for my PE class ended. It's like a workout while being paid. Hahaha... I so love my job!

Afternoon classes were all lectures. Classes were held in the lecture rooms scattered around the PE grounds. I find it more exhausting doing lectures than actual activities on the field. I love the outdoors and the sun. Even if it means getting more tans than what is needed.

When I get off from work, I went home straight. I feel so exhausted after the day's activities. The moment I sat on the couch, my landline phone shrieked.

"Hello?" I said, as I held the receiver.

"Where have you been? What has happened to you? Why aren't you answering my messages? Why are you out of coverage? What is wrong with you Ella Perez?!" Kat's shrill voice was laced with worry as she rapidly fired all those questions in one breath!

"Hello to you too Kat. What made you think that something is wrong with me? I'm perfectly fine and I just got home from work." I hastily explained to her.

"Perfectly fine huh? Then how come your mobile is out of reach since yesterday afternoon and you're not responding to my messages?" She spatted sarcastically.

"Because my mobile phone's been broken since yesterday afternoon. It's no longer working that's why!" I countered.

"OK fine, sorry I didn't mean to shout at you. I was just worried you know."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry too, I should have called your landline. It just slipped off my mind." I answered dreamily, my mind drifted to Joel and his abs.

"Hello, you still there?" I was brought back to present by Kat's voice on the other line.

"Huh...yeah, I'm still here. Sorry about that."

"Are you sure you're okay? You spaced out again. Still thinking about him?"

"Thinking about who?" I faked innocence not wanting to say Allen's name.

"And now you're denying. I could tell something is really going on that you're not telling me." She sounded hurt.

"Hey, chill. I'm good okay? You need not worry about me. And yeah something came up. But I'm really going to tell you."

"You better not hide it from me. You know me, I'd find out eventually." She teased.

"Yeah, right! Coz you have your crystal ball and magic wand to find out." I rolled my eyes as if she could see me. Nothing escapes from Kat. Sometimes I wonder if she's a psychic. Her sense of feeling is like a satellite that can see across me.

"So now spill, I'm all ears!"

"Why don't you come over for a sleepover and I'll tell you everything. As in everything, no cuts!" I chimed enthusiastically. I can't wait to see her reaction.

"Okay, I'll be there in thirty minutes. Bye!" She said before hanging up.

[Hello lovelies,
I was a bit busy over the weekend, I wasn't able to write a new chapter. But here it is now. Show me some love by clicking that star and please don't forget to share this story with your friends.
Thankies for your support!! 😍]

PretTilay 👸

P. S.
This chapter is dedicated to. @cjeanlimpiado for her undying support. 😍😍

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