Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The candlelit dinner was quite effective. I mean no woman won't melt with such effort. Joel was being sweet all throughout the dinner. He's still his cool and fun self but with extra load of sweetness.

I listened to his explanation about Anika and it's valid enough. She's just being clingy and was unable to take the break up well. A woman like her is not used to being dumped. I now understand how he ended up in such a compromising situation. He's honest enough to tell me how he was in the past, stringing along women and dropping them any time he wanted. He's a real playboy and he humbly admitted to that, but he's willing to change for me. It warmed my heart, but I also came into thinking that he doesn't have to change for me. He has to do it for himself and not for anyone else.

"So, are we good now? Am I forgiven, sweetheart?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes. We're done eating our dinner and now he's pouring some wine in my glass.

I stared at my glass, contemplating. And I spoke when I lifted my eyes to look at him. "Hmm... Yeah, I think so. But it's not because you pulled off this surprise. Even without this, upon hearing your explanation I'll forgive you just the same." I smiled.

"But I want it to be special. You're special and you deserved more than this." He's beaming upon hearing that his apologies are accepted. He's such a charmer. No wonder why women flocked towards him.

"Thank you. But you don't really have to do this just to please me." I mumbled and slowly sipped the wine from my glass. I looked up and watched the sea of stars up above. Such view gave me inner peace.

"It's beautiful, right?" I heard him say, but when I turned my gaze towards him, he's not looking at the sky, he's actually staring at me.

Is he referring to me or the stars? My cheeks heated with his stares.

"Yeah, the vast sky adorned with the sparkling stars looked so beautiful."

"And so are you..." He said softly, but I heard him.

I didn't say anything as if I didn't hear what he said. He then stood up and offered his hand to me.

"Would you mind dancing with me?"

"B-but there's no music."

"I'll make one... Come here."

He held my hand which he gently placed on his nape while he clasped his arms around my waist. We were so close that I'm afraid he might hear the loud booming of my heart. He started moving so I matched his slow movement. But what amazed me more is when he started singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

We both swayed to the song he's singing. I feel like I'm floating above cloud nine. My heart swelled with undefined warmth. This guy I'm slow dancing with in the middle of the rooftop is slowly creeping his way towards my heart. Should I open it for him and welcome him in? But isn't it too early to let my guards down? I mean, we have just patched up our misunderstanding. I shouldn't just jump into conclusions without further verifying his intentions. But aren't his intentions clear enough? I hope he won't ask me tonight because I don't want to give an impulsive answer.

Good thing he contented himself with just singing and dancing while savoring the cold evening. We parted at my door with a promise to take things slow.

I had a hard time sleeping after spending that romantic dinner with Joel. He surely knew how to charm his way to a woman's heart. I have to admit, he really nailed it. But it doesn't mean that I'm ready to sail with him in a relationship. I want to get to know him more so I could give a better assessment. I've been hurt and I'm just being cautious.

After that dinner, everything went back to normal between me and Joel. He would even sometimes give me a ride to work or fetch me when I get off. Though he wanted to do it on a regular basis, but I told him that he shouldn't and he did not insist.

"So, how's it going between you and your hot neighbor huh?" The ever nosy Kat asked without hesitation.

"We're good."

"Good? What kind of good?"

"Like duh, do I have to explain that further? We're okay that's it!"

"After that romantic dinner at the rooftop you're just okay? No development whatsoever?"

"We're not yet on that level. Just friends enjoying each other's company."

"So, you have no plans of taking that friendship to a higher level?"

"Not yet, Kat."

"Why waste time if you like the guy?"

"It's not just as easy as that..."

"Don't tell me you're still hoping for that asshole Allen to make a comeback?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, it's not like that. I just don't want to rush things."

"Oh well, it's up to you."

I thought about what Kat had said when she left, but I guess I'm not just ready to go into a relationship this time though I enjoy Joel's company.

"Hey, Miss P... Guess what?" Glynn was smiling from ear to ear when she went to see me at the faculty room.

"What is it?" You're no fun at all. You have to guess first, she pouted.

"Glynn, I'm busy. Now tell me what is it."

"Is it a bad time, Miss P? I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's just that I have paper works to finish. So what is it?"

"Remember the guest speaker during the forum?"

"Which forum? Why?"

"The super duper handsome journalist, Miss P..." She batted her eyelashes and giggled. She seemed so kilig.

And then my throat went dry when I realized what she's talking about. The journalist... Did she mean Allen? Oh no, what about him? I thought the news about the coffee shop incident has already died down.

I pretended to be busy scribbling on my notebook and didn't say anything, hoping that Glynn will just drop it and leave.

"He's here Miss P!!! And he's waiting for you at the dean's office."


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