Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I was seated anxiously in the dean's office of the school where Ella is working. It's been almost a month since that embarrassing incident at the coffee shop. God knows how much I wanted to see her and apologize. But after sending her a bouquet of tulips, I was sent to a very important assignment in Manila which I couldn't say no. Besides, I still need to settle things with Gianna especially that news about us circulated for a while. Damn that woman for ruining my sweet time with Ella. She surely messed up everything that I planned for. I was just starting and suddenly it ended even before reaching the end of the introduction.

I don't know how to approach Ella again after what happened. Then this appointment with the dean came. Circumstance is paving my way and I don't want to mess up this time.

I was deep in thought when a student went inside. I heard her talked to the dean that Miss Perez has an emergency and went home early. My excitement turned into disappointment. Did she know that I'm here? Is she avoiding me?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Martinez but Miss Perez could not join us. I already sent for Mr. Alonzo on her behalf since they are both involved in the project I was telling you about."

All throughout the meeting, I was a bit disturbed. I could not concentrate well. Good thing Dean Solon did most of the talking. It's for a fund raising project the school is sponsoring and he's asking for my help being in the media to advertise it and to gain sponsors. I was excited about the project, especially when I learned that  Ella is handling it. But she didn't show up in the meeting. She has an emergency. Could it be true or she's just avoiding me? I can't help but conclude that maybe she doesn't want to see me.

After the meeting, I went straight to my sister's flower shop and ordered a bouquet of white roses.

"Last time tulips and now roses? Who is this fortunate woman huh, piglet?" Helena teased me while she prepares the bouquet.

"Ugh! It's none of your business. Make it quick coz I need to go."

"You're going to deliver it yourself?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'm gonna try my luck."

"Whoahhh!!! For sure whoever she is, she'll give you a yes!"

"I doubt that. But I still wanted to give it a try."

"Who is this woman? And why are you so smitten? It's so not you. I mean, you never had a hard time getting a woman."

"She's different. Now, give me the flowers so I can go."

I drove towards Tower V. My palms are sweating and I'm kind of nervous. My incoherent thoughts disturbed me. I was trying to formulate what should I tell her, but I just can't compose my tangled thoughts.

Good thing, the security in Tower V is not that strict. I just showed my company ID and I was easily given the permission to get in. And since I don't know which floor is Ella's unit and what number, I inquired from the concierge who happily obliged. Thanks to my company ID which gave me an easy entry.

When I reached her floor, I didn't knock right away. I took my time, inhaling and exhaling. I feel like a school boy courting a girl for the first time. Funny isn't it? But that's exactly how I feel right now.

I finally find the courage to knock on her door. At first, it was just a light tap. My heart is booming so loud at every tap I made. There was no reaction from the inside. Maybe she's not around or she didn't hear it. So, I knock a little louder. On my last attempt, the door suddenly opened.

Ella looked so surprised that out of impulse she suddenly closed the door.    But I was too quick and held the door open by stopping it with my foot.

"Ella please..." I pleaded.

"What are you doing here?" I can sense her irritation.

"I'm here to talk to you."

"We don't have anything to talk about. If you're referring to the cafe incident, don't bother. I perfectly understand."

"It's about that and more..."

"I'm sorry, but..."

"Please, listen to me." I cut her off. "I promise, after today I will leave you in peace."

"Okay, fine.. Get in!" She opened the door wider.

"For you." I handed her the bouquet but she just stared at it.

"What is this for?"

"To convey that my intentions are as pure as these white roses."

She took the bouquet and scoffed without saying anything. She placed it on the coffee table.

"Have a seat. Whatever you have to say, make it brief. I'm busy." She sounded so hostile.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurted out before I could think.

"Why would I be? Is there a reason to be mad, Mr. Martinez?" She retorted sarcastically.

"Ella, please call me by my name. I'm still Allen, your Allen."

"What?! Are you out of your mind?"

It seems like I've vexed her more. I wanted to punch myself for being unable to formulate the right thing to say.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it that way. You see, I'm so nervous right now."

She stood up and went to the fridge, took a pitcher and poured some cold water on a glass. She then handed me the glass filled with water without saying a word.

"T-thank you." I gulped half of its content. I didn't know I'm that thirsty.

She sat back on the couch opposite to where I was sitting. I stared at her, words just won't come out.

"Are we just going to have a staring contest?"

"S-sorry... I just can't believe that I'm here in front of you."

"Tss... Why are you here again?"

"I'm here to apologize. I know I've put you in a very embarrassing situation, and I'm really sorry. I am not in a relationship with Gianna. She was never my girlfriend. She was just a fling and I ended whatever we have months ago. It's just that she won't accept it and kept on showing up uninvited, harassing whoever I'm with."

"It's not what the news articles said."

"Yeah, I know. I should have corrected it, but knowing Gianna, she will just blow up everything. But I already confronted her. We have agreed to stay away from each other."

"Well, it doesn't really matter. It's none of my concern. Your time is up. You can go now."

"I'm not done yet."

"You've already apologized, what else do you want?"

"I'm actually here to talk about us."

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