Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I cried myself to sleep. I know I have no right to feel this way. We are not in a relationship. He may have shown interest in me, but we are not official. It just pained me so much. Another heartbreak. It ended even before it begins.


I woke up with the loud ringing of my landline phone. I checked my clock, it's already eight in the morning. Good thing it's Saturday.

"Hello?" My voice sounded a bit hoarse from all the crying last night.

"Ella? Are you okay? Been trying to call your mobile..." It's Kat, she seemed worried.

"Uhm...yeah, I've just woke up." I tried to sound casual.

"No you aren't! Now tell me what's wrong?"

"Huh? I said I'm fine! What made you think something is wrong?"

"Joel texted me last night, but I only read it this morning. Now you tell me what's going on?"

"What did he tell you?"

"Not much...he just said that I should check on you. Now spill!"

"Arghh..can you come over?"

"Alright...give me thirty minutes."

I checked my phone. There were 10 miss calls from Joel, another 3 from Kat. There was a flood of texts too. All of which are from Joel.

Text 1
Ella please let's talk.

Text 2
Sweetheart please...

Text 3
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Text 4
I know you're mad. I'll give you time.

Text 5
Can I come over?

My tears started to cascade from my eyes again. I can't help it. Why does it hurt this bad? There is nothing between us. But why do I feel this way?

A knock sounded. It must be Kat. I wiped my tears and checked myself on the mirror before opening the door.

Kat entered right away giving me questioning looks. She sat on the couch and motioned me to sit beside her.

"Now, what is it?"

"Kat, do I have the right to cry over a guy who's not even my boyfriend?"

"What? And why would you cry over him? What happened?"

"I saw him with a woman just outside his door. They were..." I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say. Fresh tears rolled.

"Stop crying, will you? Tell me what did you see?"

"They were making out. French kissing you know...they were all over each other. The woman was sexy and beautiful."

"Whaaatttt?! Damn that guy! And he's flaunting his affair right outside where you can easily see him?"

"I was shocked. He ran after me. He said she's his ex...Anika something..."

"You mean Anika Zuñega? The FHM babe?"

"Huh? I don't know her."

"I've read it on the internet when I did a background check on him. They were together for a couple of months I think."

"He said, she's his ex. But the scene I saw yesterday, clearly told me that they're still currently in a relationship."

"Did you two talk?"

"No not really...he was running after me and he briefly told me that there's nothing between them. I was too pissed and hurt to listen. I left him."

"Do you love him? I mean, you're so affected. Does this mean something? Is my elusive bff smitten by the hard court hot shot?" She stared at me. Trying to assess my feelings.

"I don't know. I'm not really so sure though. It's just that it hurts. Something inside me is bleeding."

"Tsk..tsk..does not look like a good sign. You must have fallen for him."

"What should I do?" I sniffed. My nose must be very red by now and my eyes are surely bloodshot.

"Why don't you confront him?" She frustratingly suggested.

"No! I don't want to appear like a jealous girlfriend."

"But you said that he went after you and told you that she's an ex. What if he's telling the truth?"

"No, not now. I don't want him to see me crying."

"Okay, if you say so. Now, why don't you freshen yourself and let's go out."

We went to the mall. Just window shopping. Kat is really good at keeping my mind off from the unpleasant thoughts. We had lunch at our fave resto and in the afternoon, we watched a movie. It was a comedy, somehow I feel lighter. I thought our day would end with that sumptuous dinner at Cafe Laguna. But she said that it's not over yet.

We went to Mango and met up with her friends in a bar. I'm not really a party girl, I hate alcohol and smoke. But tonight, I welcome everything. I took the tequila shot handed by one of Kat's friends. I feel a burning sensation, but it doesn't keep me from taking another shot.

I was actually enjoying. When they dragged me to the dance floor, I wasn't able to say no. As a PE teacher, I'm really good in dancing. I threw my hands in the air and sway my hips to the beat. I felt so free. I never thought that I have this wild side in me waiting to be unleashed. I was tipsy. I kept on laughing while dancing.

Suddenly, I felt my head spinning. I steadied myself and when the spell of dizziness was gone, I excused myself and went to the comfort room. I sprinkled water on my flushed face. I feel so hot and my face is already a shade of red. I smiled at my reflection on the mirror. This is what a heartbreak did to me. Unbelievable!

When I went out of the CR, a hand gripped my arm. I spun around and came face to face with the handsome countenance of Joel. I was tongue-tied at first. I just stared at him.

"Let me go!" I suddenly said, when I'm finally back to my senses. I tried to pull my hand, but his hold was a bit strong.

"Let's talk." He stared at me angrily. His jaw clenched.

Why is he acting this way? I should be the one who's supposed to be angry here.

He was still holding my arm when he dragged me outside of the bar. I feel dizzy again, so I let him hold me. His strong rough hand is warm. It gives me a feeling of security. Wait what?! Argh..what is wrong with me. I'm supposed to be mad at him.

We were outside when he finally let me go. The intensity of his stare is still there, as if I did a horrendous crime.

"What's with that stare?" I spatted at him. It must be the alcohol giving me some nerves.

"What do you think you're doing?" He countered.

"I'm having fun, is there something wrong with that?" I rolled my eyes.

"Having fun my ass! You're maliciously dancing out there! And you call it fun?"

"Exactly, I was dancing. So?"

"Damn!! Men are undressing you with their eyes." He uttered some incomprehensible curses. What is wrong with this guy huh?

"You and your dirty mind Ramirez! Now if you have nothing else to say, excuse me. I need to go back in there.

"No, you aren't missy!" He gripped my wrist.

"Let me go! You have no right to tell me what I should do!" But he won't let me go.

"I think it's clear that the lady doesn't want to go with you mister!" A cold voice said behind Joel. It sounded so familiar. A chill run down my spine...could it be?

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