2 Crazily, logically and shockingly true.

9 0 0

"The problem is not the problem; the problem is how you tend to your problem."

--sometimes problems are easy it is us who make the problem complicated that makes it harder to solve

"If you do not like all the choices, avoid them all together. Change the facts."

--I say if there's no way around it then conquer the obstacle

"Cruelty is a matter of perspective."

--right, everyone views everything differently from everyone. Each of us has different perspective

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see but you cannot close you heart to the things you don't want to feel."

--true-ness, we always feel something even if we don't want to

_Captain Jack Sparrow

"Dying should be the day worth living for."

--if you are going at least go with a legacy you can leave behind when you're gone

_Hector Barbossa

**I got these from the "Pirates of the Caribbean". The movie series are great. They make me laugh every time I watch them. I have watched them countless times but they still had an effect on me. Sparrow never seizes to amaze me and make me laugh.

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