The book

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Chapter 4 

You are home Ali! I said with a big smile on my face and hugged him. Mmmm... It smells so good in here what is it? Its biryani (Rice with chicken) I took his jacket and hung it up on the hook. He walked in and sat down on the chair beside the dinner table. Did you have a good day?  I asked. Yea lots of meetings though btw who taught you to make biryani? "Uhm... I just looked in the cooking book" I said and laughed. "I love your laugh" he said and continued on eating. 

The clock was 10 pm it was getting late. We were just sitting in front of the TV. He was looking at me really weird. And said "Aisha". Hmm? I said Why are you not talking? I smiled "because we are watching TV" ...I mean daaah why else... No I mean like we are husband and wife you should not be quite! He said angry. What do you want me to say huh? Okay lets go with why was I in coma for 3 months? I said. Oh good question he said "it was 3 days after our wedding and then you fell from the stairs and came in coma. I couldn't believe he was just sitting there and lying to me. I got really teary. Do you know anything about my family?

There was a moment of silence "I'm tired, let’s go to sleep" he said and looked at me strange. Then he got up the sofa and walked up the stairs. I was about to go up there until I heard he was saying "Holy shit" from the bedroom. Oh no, I walked fast down the stairs suddenly he took my arm from behind and pulled me to wall. My head hit the wall really hard. He looked me in my eyes. There were tears running down his cheeks "Why would you read this book!" he yelled. I haven't read it all I swear I said afraid. He threw the book on the floor "here go ahead and read the whole book then" He yelled and ran up the stairs again. And slammed the door.  

The book was wrecked and there were pictures lying all over the floor. I began to cry. What did just happen? I felt really dumb for searching in his stupid stuff. I was just sitting by the wall and thinking about who I was and crying. I took a paper up from the floor. "I will always love you Aisha" was written all over the page. I got up and took all the papers from the floor and sat beside the dinner table and was taking all the pages together. I tried to find something about my parents or my family but couldn't find anything. I gave up. I couldn't find anything. It was getting late. I laid myself on the sofa and was so sad I didn’t know what to do. 

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