28/4 administration wait room

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28/4 4:00pm, administration wait room.

—Bye amapola!
—Bye! Have a nice holiday!

The school day finished. Now I have to wait for my babysitter.

I go to the administration wait room. I go there everyday. Today there's less people than usually. There's the window of administration. There's a woman there, always working. I'm her friend. I sometimes buy a candy for her. She's always so nice to everybody.

There are a couple of free seats, and I sit in one of them.

I put on my headphones quickly, because there was a five year old about to scream and rant, and I'm not interested on him.

I listen to one of the songs installed on my cellphone by default. It's a jazzy one. I like jazz. All different instruments, sometimes syncing with each other, sometimes not.

I start to think of all the homework they gave me. A lot of different books, to just make a single excersice in each one if them. My bag is super heavy due to all of those boring books. I have to do all (or at least a 90%) of that homework today, because I'm going to travel to other city tomorrow, to see my cousins. I don't really like them. They're really nice people, but sometimes (and by sometimes I mean usually) I'm not really interested on having family reunions. They're always the same: hours of boredom and my aunts interrogating me about my life. They're also the closest to my age and my brother's. All my other cousins are already teenagers.

I notice I don't really have anything to do before the babysitter arrives, so I start to write this on my cellphone. Where should I share it? Maybe I should make a thing on wattpad called "small experiences" and share it there. Maybe I should make more of these to practice my english writing. I wheeze at myself. Always planning everything.

I check the time. 4:08pm. Now it's 4:09pm. I hear some steps, and I look up. It's my babysitter and my brother. Time to go home.

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