chapter 18

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karen's pov

i see that Jc sits next to Aaniye and I'm just like "why are you sitting next to her" in my mind. me and Matt have worked things out. i knew that he liked me but i just wanted to be friends. I'm  glad i worked things with Matt and Hayes now i need to talk to Cameron. "Cameron can i talk to you?" i ask him he stands up and we go to the backyard and i tell him " thanks for inviting me to your photo shoot and just making me feel special and i hope we can be friends? i did like you but Taylor was the one that did approach to me and i really want to be your friend and if things don't work out with Taylor we can try." then he tells me "Karen i loved those pictures that we took and the photo shoot day was the best day in my life because you were there and i told my manager that you really wanted to be a model and she said that she would love for you to model with the company i model with. just tell me if yes or no you want to model you have this week to think about it. just remember it doesn't matter if you aren't skinny , you're perfect how you are and all that matters is that you are comfortable in your body." then i hug him and tell him " ill tell you later if i do want to model but thanks for working things out."  then  we head back to the house and i talk to my dad. 

i tell him "dad Cameron just asked me if i wanted to model with the company he models with? so can i do it?" and he looks at me and tells me "Karen its your choice and thanks for asking me for permission i can trust you with things and if you really want to do it .. its your choice. ill let you do it you can make decisions for yourself just remember that ill support you 100%" i hug him and thank him so much i go tell Cameron and tell him the news and he hugs me. i tell Taylor and hes happy for me. i also tell aaniye and shes glad for me and christian tells me " have fun with modeling don't think about what people will say if you love modeling then do it nobody is telling you that you cant do it" i hug him and tell him " thank you" Matt also congratulates me.

camerons pov 

yes!!! she will get to model with me. so that means ill get to spend more time with her. i really hope i do get a chance to date karen but shes taylors and i respect taylor.

Aaniyes pov 

im happy for karen. and while i get to hug karen i decide to move away from jc because its just weird.

karens pov 

but i had a secret i used to cut and i have the scars but i hide them with makeup so you cant see them. but Kian found out and he told me "do you still cut?" i told him "no i stopped because the only person that i had was aaniye and i didn't want to leave her . so i stopped" and he holded me tight and Andrea was hearing our conversation and she told me " it will all be okay you now have me and your dads support and i bet all the guys will support you also." i hugged her and i told them if i can tell the boys i really didn't want to keep this secret from them. my dad told me "do it if you think its the right thing for you" i just smiled and interrupted them while they were watching "frozen" i paused the movie and i said " guys i have something to confess about something that i did in the pass and the marks will be with me all the time" and then Aaniye told me "you don't have to tell them" and i told her "i have to" then i continued " when i was in the foster home the only person i had was aaniye and i really loved her with all my heart but at first she didn't know that i self harmed. until she saw me with a blade and she got the blade and flushed it down the toilet. i self harmed because i was worthless no one wanted me , no one understood me and no one cared. but aaniye was the reason i stopped i still have the scars but i hid them from you guys. i thought if you guys saw them then you would feel sorry for me and i really didn't want that i just wanted you guys to see me for who i really am and not who i was." then the tears fell down my face and then everyone hugged me and then we all sat down  .

christian said "Karen its okay we all support you and we wont see you any different and your not worthless.' i hugged him and thank him. Taylor said "don't worry that was the past and we all need to look at the future not the past" then i kissed him and then everyone was tearing up i told them " you guys don't cry, your gonna make me cry even more" and then we all group hugged and then we decided to go bowling.

taylors pov

i never knew Karen cut but i wont stop looking at her any different just because of something she did in the past. i really loved her and i wouldn't change her for anything.

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