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I woke up to the sound of the ocean waves and momentarily felt disoriented.

Ah. My bestfriend's beach house.

Greg’s bachelor party the night before was a simple bonfire, barbecue, and beer by the beach.

“Good morning, your highness. Would you like some breakfast in bed?”

I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face in the white pillows to block the annoying, mocking voice of my best friend.

“Hey RJ, you gotta get up man. We have to head back. Mom just called to give me my list of errands for the rehearsal dinner.”

“Shut up, Greg. Let me sleep!”

“You see, this is why I hid the beers from you last night. Look at you, you lightweight. Come on! You have best man duties, man! The boys have already left for their assignments. You still have to get your tux fitted.”

“Fuck love! Don’t get married!”

I wasn’t really drunk. It was just fun to mess with my best friend’s head.

“Dude, if you don’t get your ass out of bed, I will dump ice on you and it will just be like sixth grade all over again!”

I rolled on my back and started laughing.

“Fine, fine. I’m up.”

A couple of hours later, I’ve finished my tux fitting and we were loading the Target bags of stuff from Greg’s mom’s last minute grocery list.

Their house was in full swing of preparation for the rehearsal dinner, so I chose to get out of their way and escaped to the guest room prepared for me. I just laid there and wondered what Maine was probably doing. I couldn’t remember if she was from California, but even if she was, how was I supposed to look for her?

A few minutes later, someone knocked and in came Greg with a clothes bag.

“Your tux just arrived, Sir. Where would you like me to hang it?" Greg said in his annoying mocking butler voice.

"If you don't stop pestering me, I will let you get married without a best man!" I yelled and threw a pillow at him. He ducked and laughed then hung the tux inside the closet, shaking his head. When he turned to face me again, his expression changed.


He sat with me on the bed.

"Hey I also rented a jacket for you for tonight’s dinner. I suggest you thoroughly shower, shave, and comb your hair before I introduce you to the party later." He winked. I knew he didn't really mean the party. But I just ignored it and kept quiet. He's trying to divert my thoughts from whatever was bothering me, to something cheerful. But he probably realized that it's useless, because he turned serious.

"Are you okay?” He asked, concern on his face.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I shrugged.

“Well, because I don’t know, last night you were bawling about finding the one and then losing her the same day. You’ve never talked about a woman that way before, man. And then now...”

He waved his hands motioning for me to look at myself.

“Pft. Just forget it. I was drunk. I don’t even remember the things I said.”

“Whatever, man. By the way, here are blank cards. Annie had them specially made for the speeches. So better start writing your best man speech and make sure to make me look good! Also, she’ll be here with her family and entourage in a few, so you might want to get ready soon. I'm serious. Look your best! This might be your one chance at happiness.”

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