Chapter2-Our Ritual

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Jayy's P.O.V-

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders gently. Opening my eyes,I saw Hayley with a bright smile on her face and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Jayy..there may be something we can do about Dahvie.."


It can't be true. Could they really bring my Dahvie back? I knew about Hayley and Mike's powers but is this even possible? I mean,resurrection spells are black magic and incredibly dangerous. I mean what if something goes wrong?.....But there's also the chance that he'd be fine,that I'd have my DahvieBear back..

"What do you think Jayy? We can't do this without you.." Mike asked placing his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"How do you mean? Why am I important?"

"Well,you have the strongest connection with Dahvie and....we'd need some of your blood,not a lot, just a couple of drops..." Hayley spoke softly and I looked over everything in my head.

"We don't have to do thi-"

"No..I want to." I said,trying to sound as calm as possible.

I ran a hand through my messy black hair and sighed deeply. Even if it doesn't work,I'll still have tried and that's the best I can do.

"So where do we start?" I whispered,messing with the sleeves of my shirt.

"Mike already has everything we need for the spell,well everything except an anchor for Dahvie.."

I looked down at the tear stained,creased to fuck,piece of paper in my hands.

"Would this do? It's his s-suicide note." I asked,cautiously handing the grubby looking paper to Hayley.

"This is perfect." She said sadly.

"I just really miss him." I sobbed as Hayley held me close,letting me cry onto her shoulder.

"We'll get him back Jayy."

"Promise?" I muttered,sounding like a lost child.

"I promise."



"Jahvie! Jahvie! Jahvie!" The crowd chanted as La Petite Morte blared though the speakers at the side of the stage.

Dahvie glanced over at me with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. I strutted over to him and grabbed onto his hips as his arms slid around my neck. I pulled him closer and our lips collided as the fans screamed wildly. His deep purple and black strands of hair tickled the sides of my face as we pulled away.

I felt sparks whenever we kissed but I'd never tell him that,never tell him how I really felt. We turned around on our heels and ran to opposite ends of the stage like nothing happened. That's all we ever saw it as,just a simple stage kiss..

~~end of flashback~~

"Earth to Jayy?" Someone clicked there fingers in front of my face "Anybody home?"

I snapped out of my trance and turned to look at Mike. We had gathered everything we needed and had just driven to the secluded graveyard where we buried Dahvie. I sat frozen with fear in the car as they unloaded the trunk of supplies and shovels. Sitting there a couple more minutes,I fixed my makeup and puffed up my hair in the car mirror. What? If this does work,I want to look decent.

"Are you ready Jayy?" Hayley asked kindly.

"More ready then I'll ever be."

I climbed out of the car and walked with Hayley,only just realising how dark it was. When we reached the gates,we continued walking and I didn't need to follow her anymore,I knew exactly where his grave was. Upon reaching it,I saw Mike had already dug up a lot of the soil and I was starting to see the top of Dahvie's coffin. A cold shiver ran down my spine and I stumbled backwards,my back slamming against a tall tombstone.

As Mike continued digging,Hayley picked up a large duffle bag and started emptying it's contents onto the ground:a bag of salt,5 black taper candles,a small-religious looking,silver bowl and a large Native American dagger. I gripped onto Dahvie's note tightly in my pocket,growing more nervous by the second.

"Done!" Mike yelled and I shuffled over to the edge of the six foot hole.

Mike stood wiping mud from the top of the casket with his hand,revealing the name David Jesus Torres,my baby. My knees went weak and I had to move back and sit down. I watched as Hayley began scattering the salt grains on the ground in the formation of a five point star. She next placed one of the candles at each point,dropped the small silver bowl in the middle and sat at the edge,holding the knife between her hands. Hayley began muttering under her breath in what I assumed was Latin.

She stopped for a split second and beckoned me "Come here Jayy." Then continued her ramblings.

I looked up briefly to see Mike jump out of the hole at and inhuman speed and sit across from Hayley. They joined hands and Mike told me to stand in the centre of the circle,the bowl in between my feet. They chanted around me and suddenly,each of the candles lit up one by one. I gasped in shock but it went unheard as their chants got louder.

"The note." Mike grumbled.

I handed him the neatly folded piece of paper and I watched in wonder as they held it between their hands. The note started to glow as they charged it with their energy before dropping it into the bowl. Hayley and Mike's words got stronger and more powerful,an unknown force brought me crashing to my knees and Hayley let out a high pitched scream. They released each other's hands and I knew what was coming. Hayley grabbed my left hand and held it palm up. Picking up the dagger,she quickly slashed it across my flesh and I let out a quiet yelp of pain. Hayley held my hand over the bowl and I stared as my crimson blood dripped over Dahvie's precious words,their Latin mumbles continuing.A sudden rush of wind nearly knocked me off balance but,by luck,I managed to stay perched on my knees.

"Anima corpori! Fuerit corpus totem resurgent!" Mike and Hayley shouted at the same time before there was a loud crash and all I could see was white.

The note resting in the bowl between my legs burst into flames, making me jump back in fear. Hayley fell to the floor and Mike immediately rushed over to her side. Everything was silent apart from their quiet whisperings. I saw Hayley wipe a small drop of blood from her nose and hug Mike tightly.

I wasn't sure wether the spell worked or not,until I heard a voice my ears hadn't been blessed with in months.


The Loving Dead-Jahvieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें