Chapter4-I'd Give Up My Eyes To See You One Last Time

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Hey! Sorry it's taken ages to update but I've finally done it-AshleyPandyx

Dahvie's P.O.V-

"You're back!" Hayley screamed,throwing herself at me.

"I know." I laughed as I hugged her tightly.

As soon as I pulled away,I felt Jayy's arms snake around my waist from behind.

"You're warm." I whispered, blushing immediately as the words accidentally left my lips.

Jayy giggled and pulled me closer,nibbling at the side of my neck.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan,

seriously,who can blame me? I haven't been touched like this for more than twelve months.

"You're cold..." He laughed lightly.


Mike drove us back to our apartment and Jayy practically dragged me up flight after flight of stairs. He was smiling like a little kid and jumping around in excitement,it was adorable.

"I apologise for the mess..The last couple of months have been really hard.." Jayy muttered as he opened the door slowly.

I walked in and gripped Jayys hand tightly at what I saw..Empty bottles of various alcohols covered the floor,bottles of pain killers scattered everywhere,furniture was all over the place:the couch and chairs were violently thrown upside down and the tv screen was smashed,the apartment was wrecked.

"J-Jayy..what-...?" I couldn't even form a sentence, I'd really caused him this much pain?

"I really m-missed you Dahvs.." Jayy stuttered before completely breaking down.

I pulled him into a tight embrace and felt his hot tears soak through my tattered shirt. Running my fingers through his black,bushy hair,he calmed down slightly and looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I love you,Dahvie."

"I love you too,Jayy..I'm sorry that I did..'this'.." I sighed and looked down.

"It's not your fault..Things got too hard..I'm just happy I've got my DahvieBear back." Jayy brought my wrists up to his lips and kissed along the scars.

"I'm not going anywhere,anytime soon.." I smiled and he kissed me gently.

Jayy yawned loudly and I giggled at how adorable he looked. I took his hand and tugged him back into our old room. We got settled and laid down on Jayy's bed,facing each other. He pecked my lips and I smiled. I saw tears building up behind his eyes as he looked at me and took his hand in mine.

"I'm really sorry JayyJayy.." I whispered.

"Again,it's not your fault.." He smiled lightly,his lips finding mine again.

I've waited years for Jayy to be mine and even after I'd given up,my wish has come true. I couldn't be happier than I was right now.

I sighed in content as Jayy's eyes slowly drifted shut. Cuddling up to his body,I buried my head in his chest and let sleep overcome me.

Jayy's P.O.V-

**I stood outside of the door to mine and Dahvie's apartment,the bronze numbers on the door hanging crooked as they always did. Raising my fist to knock,the door swung open slowly before my knuckles even made contact with it's surface.

"Dahv?" I said,only just above a whisper.

When I didn't get a reply,I cautiously walked into our living room to see nothing out of the ordinary..Closing the door,I slowly made my way down the small corridor and into the bedroom me and my best-friend shared. I looked around,still trying to figure out why the door was open..It didn't look like we'd been burgled and plus,Dahvie stayed here the entire time I was at the bar.

"Dahvie?" I spoke again,a little louder as I grew more concerned for him by the second.

Suddenly,my eyes fell to the thin gap underneath the door that separated me from the bathroom..something was leaking out from the other side but the dim light of the room made it hard to tell what...I shuffled closer and in a few small steps,I was standing in what was now clearly,blood...

My hand clamped around the bronze door handle as I shook violently. Opening the door slowly,I gasped at the scene before me..

Dahvie. He was passed out on the floor with two large slits on each wrist. The blood was pooling around him,turning his purple hair crimson and his already black clothes darker. I fell to my knees beside him and checked for a pulse,already knowing it was too late. Hot tears spilled down my cheeks as I buried my head in his motionless chest. Looking up,I saw a bloody note taped to the bathroom mirror. Reluctantly,I got to my feet and snatched the note,more tears falling as I read Dahvie's last words..

Dear Jayy,

I'm sorry I'm doing this and I'm sorry that your the one to find me. I just can't cope anymore. Seeing you dance around with all those other guys kills me and it's too hard. I'm in love with you,Jayy. I thought I could cope with not being with you but it looks like I can't. Apologise to my family and tell the fans what you want. I'll be gone but my love for you is undead,it will never end.


Dahvie x

I sat back down next to his lifeless body,clutching the note for dear life.

"Didn't you ever consider that I loved you too?" I whispered "Didn't it occur to you that I wanted something more?"

"How do you expect me to live without you!?" I screamed just as everything began to fade....**

I sprung up in bed,waking Dahvie,who was fast asleep on my chest,in the process. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and my breath was coming out in heavy pants.

Dahvie rubbed his eyes and asked "Jayy? What's wrong?"

I threw my arms around him and hugged him close "I-I had a nightmare. It was like I was b-back to the day I f-f-found you..I had to relive it all again!" I sobbed.

Dahvie ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead,rocking us back and forth to calm me. When I finally relaxed I looked up into his eyes and kissed him softly,which he gladly returned.

"I love you Dahvie."

"I love you too Jayy."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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