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Mina ignored the Cullens through out the whole class and as soon as the bell rang she got up and gracefully made her way to the gym, only stopping in the locker room to change into a pair of grey joggers and a red t-shirt along with a pair of black and white trainers. She walked inside the gym pulling her hair into a pony tail when Rosalie Hale appeared in front of her and snarled "Stay away from Jasper, we don't need a catastrophe happening."

Mina laughed and looked around the gym to find it empty, when she locked her eyes again with Rosalie's golden ones she allowed her blueish green orbs to change to black completely and said "Listen here you young immortal, you may or not know this but your twin is my mate and as much as I try to avoid him or the other way around it won't last long. I'm not his blood singer nor is he mine, we're mates. I trust you to keep this conversation and what I am a secret and from that mind reader brother of yours."

Rosalie looked at the blonde beauty in front of her and smiled "I guess you're not that bad at all, you want to protect your secret and I want to protect mine. But if you don't mind me asking what are you?" Mina smiled back and said "I'm a hybrid of 2 very different kinds, enemies in a way but still, I know who you are and what your rules are, I've met cold ones before I just never actually exposed myself." Rosalie smiled as both sat down "You might be the first being I actually like besides my family." Rosalie confessed.

"Friends?" Mina asked her blueish green eyes back to normal, "I would love to." Rosalie said shaking Mina's stretched hand, Emmett and Jasper enter the gym talking when they see their mates shaking hands, "Did something happen or is war about to start?" Emmett asked, "There's no war happening, Rosalie and I merely talked." Mina laughed, Jasper smiled as the sound of her melodic laugh filled his ears making his siblings laugh.

"Will you take Alice's offer and sit with us during lunch?" Jasper asked his mate who looked up at him, a small blush spread across the blonde hybrid's cheeks as she shrugged "Maybe if Rosalie wants me to." she teased him, Jasper's eyes and hopes fell slightly as he thought that his mate didn't want him. 'Jasper will never want her for her looks, he'll always for her personality and heart.' Rosalie thought, unknowingly to her Mina was reading her mind.

"Gather around students. Today we'll be testing your resistance, so start running." The teacher said, the humans groaned and the blonde hybrid jumped to the balls of her feet but crashed against her mate, as of instinct he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close to him. "Not the time or place guys." Emmett teased the newly found mates, blushing harder Mina detaches herself from her mates, instantly missing his touch, and started running around the gym. Rosalie laughed at her twin's face and followed the other pale blonde's actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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