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It was my turn to surprise Ashton but I wasn't too creative with planning dates, so I took him to an ice skating rink. I took skating lessons when I was kid and I reached the advanced level but I changed my mind and took up ballet lessons instead. I was so indecisive back then, and I still wasn't satisfied with ballet. I switched to piano lessons, then singing lessons, but in the end I started to fall in love with novels. I have read every genre, including horror---it gave me nightmares but it was worth it because they were all written so well. Even in school that was the only thing I did during breaks and I got in trouble for reading in class a few times. I guess my teacher wasn't a fan of Bared To You. She would say, "that's a little inappropriate for science class, miss Nixon. Especially now that the lecture is about the reproductive system." The class would burst into laughter and I would be so humiliated.

We arrived at the skating rink and Ashton admitted that he has never skated in his life---skateboarding was an exception because riding on a board was way different than skating with individual blades on each foot.

"I'll hold your hand the entire time, I promise." I said to him.

"I am twice as heavy as you so if I fall, you fall with me, Nixon." He jokes, which I felt wasn't a joke at all because there is a big chance that that will happen. I wouldn't mind though, but the cold feeling on our butts would not be very comfortable once the ice melts.

"Okay, put your arms up halfway and your legs should be apart to balance yourself. Don't worry, I got you." I keep a firm grip on his shoulders and start pushing him forward into the middle of the rink. "Slide left, slide right. Keep doing that little by little."

"I think I should stay at the side where the hand rails are," Ashton says and I lead him there. He sighed in relief once he got hold of the rail. I could finally let go him and I skated freely in front of him. I was just gliding left and right and he was already looking at me in awe.

"Haven't you ever seen someone ice skate before?" I ask sarcastically.

"I have, but it's different when you watch someone you admire. You learn to appreciate them even more." Ashton was the epitome of cheesy and I feel butterflies in my stomach when he says things like that. I hate how much I like this person.

"I haven't done this in years, though. I don't know if I can still do a double axel. It's this move I've tried so hard to master back then."

"Can you show me?" Ashton asks.

"I-I don't know if I still can."

I can try, but I was scared. But my coach before once told me that if you master a skill, you'll have it in you forever. Like riding a bicycle, you learn with training wheels first, then you learn to balance with two wheels. After not riding for a long time and you do it again, your body will adjust and you'll still know how to balance with ease.

I skated a few times around the rink to warm up and think about the move, memorizing each step. I did small jumps first, Ashton carefully watching me from the other side. I counted to three before making the big finale.

 I counted to three before making the big finale

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I did it.

I can't believe I did it.

I skated back to Ashton and he attack hugged me, "that was amazing. You're amazing."


Ashton and I walked back to the car, sharing an ice cream cone, as if the rink wasn't cold enough to make our teeth chatter.

"Hey, I've got something for you." Ashton whispers as he reaches his jean pocket. He told me to close my eyes and turn around. I felt him place something around my neck.

"Open." It was a silver necklace with a circular pendant on it, ADVENTURE engraved on the middle part.

"Everyday is an adventure with you, babe." He says.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his lips softly, "you're cheesy as hell, but I like it. Thank you."

He giggles and returns the kiss, gentle and sweet. I frown as another though enters my mind.

"Ashton, tell me to stay. If you have to beg, do it. Just tell me to stay." I whisper, feeling a tear form in my eye.

"I-I want to but I can't. Your father-"

"I don't care what my dad wants. All I care about is you, us. Please tell me to stay."

"Then stay. Stay with me."

I smile and hug him as tight as I can, I could hear him giggling again from behind me. "Stay," he keeps on whispering and that's what I plan to do.

Naive ♦ Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now