1 - Haven

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Anna pulls her jacket around her shoulders and tries to suppress the shivering. The cold asphalt is hard, but the lorry trailer offers cover against the wind and occasional spring drizzles. Kevin sleeps in her lap, his small body delivering welcome warmth during another endless night in the survivors camp. She glances over at Monica, snuggled up in their only sleeping bag, actually Anna's sleeping bag, cradling the baby. Thomas keeps watch at the fence, together with Benny and the other men.
It's infuriating that men get to do guard duty while she is supposed to stay with women and children. Anna is sure Thomas gives his best, but his nyctalopia makes him as blind as a starfish at night.
She volunteered to take his place, but the man in charge, a retired army officer-something, just laughed. So she is forced to sit out the nights while Thomas is out there with only Benny to guard him.

Benny of all people! Anna met the neighbour's son in the first week of her employment. He's arrogant, self-confident and rates in her personal hate-list somewhere between bad body odour and measles. She hates measles since Kevin came down with this sickness in the last stage of Monica's pregnancy. As a result, Anna suffered a fortnight-long quarantine together with her charge. On the upside, this taught Kevin to follow her orders.

Not so Benny. He took every single opportunity to infuriate her. Monica lent her an old-fashioned pink bicycle. With a wicker basket for grocery shopping, adorned with a bouquet of fake daisies, it clashed with Anna's sportive stile. But at least it was a means of transport. Benny, in acts of childish behaviour belying his eighteen years, constantly hid her bike. Once, he went as far as to deflate her tyres. Luckily, Monica observed him and told Thomas. Anna never found out what he did, but it worked, her bike was left alone.

When the Zs attacked his parents' house, only Benny survived. Anna found him the next morning, crying in the shed. She brought him home, and he squeezed into Thomas' old Ford with them when they followed the survivors' exodus down to the coast, his teenage attitude cured.
Their plan to find a ship to a Z-free place ended brutally at a roadblock and stranded them in the makeshift survivors camp on Millbrook Car Park three weeks ago.

A sudden scream tears Anna out of her half-nostalgic reverie. Kevin sits up, disoriented, and drops his rubber duck. She pulls him into her chest for comfort, his and her own. Careful to not disturb the baby, she shakes Monica's shoulder.
'Shh, wake up. Attack.'
From the far end of the parking lot, grunting noises reach them. Monica hands Anna the dozing baby and rolls the sleeping bag. The young woman is impressed. Her employer certainly grows with the challenge. She cradles the baby in one arm and whispers in Kevin's ear.
'Pull on your shoes and lace them. Just like I taught you. That's my boy!'
The fighting noises grow louder and the baby stirs.
'Monica? Lydia awakes. Can you take her? She'll be hungry.'
As soon as she has her hands free, she checks Kevin's shoes and slips into her sneakers. In haste, she stows their meagre belongings in her backpack and takes Kevin's hand.
'If we have to run, try to stay beside me. Alright?'
The boy nods, eyes wide in the faint moonlight. At least his night sight is better than his father's. Anna listens to the baby suckling and wishes herself to the other end of the world. Or home, with her own family. Or simply somewhere safe, Z-free.
The battle rages on, and for a moment she considers picking up her cricket bat and joining in. But Thomas asked her to watch out for his family. She won't betray his trust. Waiting for sunrise to drive the Zs away is nerve wrecking.


After an eternity, the rain stops and the eastern sky grows light. Zs flee daylight. Anna is glad for this little mercy. Daybreak eases her mind. She prefers to see what's coming at her. That's one reason she declined the offered space in the trailer. The other was the stench of chicken poop inside. Even the thought of it makes her retch. Surprisingly, Monica decided to stay outside with her. This says a lot about the trust she sets into her au pair, or ex-au pair, to be correct. Anna's contract ran out the week the Zs appeared.
Unfortunately, Anna doubts she deserves Monica's trust. Sure, she brained the Z coming after Kevin with Thomas' old cricket bat, that first day. She'll dream of splattered brain and black blood for the rest of her life. Still, Monica looking up at her makes her uneasy. Her employer is ten years her senior after all.
Anna leans her head against the giant tyre, contemplating. They urgently need to move on, find real shelter and reasonable food. This is no place for the baby.

Anna and the Zs (on hold due to cancellation of the masterclass)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz