2 - Death

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Anna keeps watch in the front with George while Barclay and Bianca cover the backyard. She briefly wonders how she became a watch-leader in the first place, the others being Barclay, Thomas and Didier. Well, Thomas has Benny to help him, Didier and Rose are another efficient team. Monica, who cares for Lydia, and Maggie with her stiff leg are spared the night watch for the moment.
She glances over at her own partner. George snores on the sofa. Anna doesn't mind. As long as nothing attracts the Zs, she is glad for the quiet hours watching the lawn through her spy hole.
Barclay did a serious job boarding up he big windows in the first days of the zombie attacks. Otherwise, him, Rose and Maggie, their elderly employee, would never have made it this far.

Rose, or aunt Rosie as she is called by the survivors, is a warmhearted, practical woman with an astounding talent to organise almost everything. Anna is glad some of the responsibility she took on during their flight is lifted off her shoulders.

Over the forest in the east, the sky shows first streaks of grey. In the poor light, Anna sees the grotesque figures of some Zs shambling away along the road to the south. She wonders where they pass the day. Also, she would like to know if she only imagines they move more sluggish and disorientated every night. Maybe they will stop coming as soon as their bodies reach a state of decay that doesn't allow them to walk anymore? But these are probably just idle hopes.

During the last week, the newcomers settled in. Duddleswell Tea Rooms is as safe a haven as they can wish for. As George predicted, the cellars are well stocked and Rosie owns a big garden. In addition, she is an excellent cook.
As a huntsman, her husband Barclay owns several guns. This is a convincing argument against raiders. Sometimes they seem more of a problem than Zs.
Barclay would willingly engage all the newcomers in shooting lessons. But Rosie told him off. While they have enough weapons, the ammunition won't last forever, just like fuel and gas.

Anna watches the last Z leave the lawn and wakes George. Time to catch some sleep herself.


The next midmorning finds Anna and Benny in the backyard with Barclay. The old man's collection contains several longbows and even a historic crossbow. Benny is fascinated by the technology, but Anna finds the weapon too clumsy. She prefers the simple bow.

Today, they engage in target practice. Anna checks her stance, draws the bowstring back to her cheek, holds it to take aim and releases the arrow. It hits the target near the centre, but she winces audibly. The string rebounded from her left wrist and left a dark bruise. Barclay shakes his head
'You're a talented shot, but you make a typical female mistake.'
Out of respect, Anna suppresses her annoyance at the reference to the so-called weaker sex. Barclay continues oblivious.
'You compensate for lacking strength by over-stretching your wrist. It impedes the string and shortens your shot while you risk serious injury. In medieval times they used leather wrist protection.'
Benny gets hold of her hand and studies the swelling bruise with interest.
'Leather protectors sound good. Can we make some? I think we should prepare any way possible for the next attack.'
Barclay studies the young man with knitted brows, then nods and leads him to his workshop.
'Might as well build more crossbows. They hit harder on short distance.'
Benny's eyes light up and he follows hastily. Anna shrugs and unstrings her bow. It's time to check on Kevin, and Rosie might have salve for her wrist.

She finds Monica and their host in the kitchen, preparing lunch. Monica washes salad in the sink. She gasps as she detects Anna's swollen wrist. But Anna is distracted by the stream of clear water from the tap. How long will the water supply work? Is there a danger of contamination without proper maintenance? She remembers reading about cholera and legionella bacteria. Rose or Thomas might know. They need to ensure their water supply remains uncontaminated.
Monica still fusses about her wrist, cooling it with cold water. Anna frees her arm with a tug.
'I'm fine, it's just a bruise. I came to look for Kevin. Do you know where he is?'
'In the stable with Bianca and Didier. He's completely smitten by the horse.'
Anna grins, Kevin is not the only one smitten. Bianca hardly leaves the Frenchman's side. On her way out, she sneaks one of Rosie's chocolate cookies. If Bianca gets Didier, she deserves another treat.

Anna and the Zs (on hold due to cancellation of the masterclass)Where stories live. Discover now