4 - Enemy Ground

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After the initial success, foraging becomes an important part of the schedule. Only on clear days though. The encounter in Nutley made everyone double-cautious regarding Zs.
Without professional weather forecast, they depend on archaic systems to define the risk of an excursion. Old Maggie insists her left knee hurts always in advance of rainy weather. Although Anna doubts the reliability of this simple, straightforward indicator, she has no way to do better herself. And time proves the woman's old injury is spot on in over eighty percent. For the rest, they have to rely on their observations and the speed of the horses.

Anna is glad the first outing remained the worst, zombie-wise. But even now, three weeks after the incident, it seriously bothers her Zs left their caves at daytime.
During dinner, Benny and Thomas discuss the phenomenon and their favourite theories, again. Thomas suspects a connection with food availability. He imagines Zs are desperate with uninfected humans getting scarce. Benny, on the other hand, insists it was just bad luck. They unfortunately encountered the first thunderstorm of the season. He points out this might be normal Z-behaviour.

Anna believes Benny has a point. But she refrains from joining the fruitless discussion. Instead, she spoons more tomato sauce onto her pasta and enjoys the sumptuous meal. Yesterday, they searched individual houses in Fairwarp, a village south of Duddleswell. Lucky Bianca, for the first time part of the forage team, stumbled upon a locked and therefore untouched cellar in a family house. Now, their stocks are replenished with non-perishable goods, amongst them chocolate and coffee. Rose spent the whole day making preserves with the abundant sugar. She recruited all willing hands available, and in the end Kevin and his yellow Ducky resembled ripe cherries.

However, they depend on additional, reliable resources if they want to survive in the long run. Anna's mood drops after the luxurious dinner, when serious planning for the next outing is due. Didier and her are best with horses and mandatory members of foraging parties while the others take turns. Unfortunately, the Frenchman sprained an ankle yesterday in the rush to empty their treasure cave. In spite of Rosie's bandages, he still can't stand on it.
They plan to pay a visit to the plumber workshop of the twins' father. George thinks he might locate filters to ensure their water supply remains drinkable. So he's set as second team member. Bianca, a decent rider herself, strictly refuses to return to their family home. Anna surmises her reasons without asking. Chances are undeniable they encounter the twins' zombified family members. She tries to imagine how it would be to meet her own undead parents and sister. A shiver runs down her spine and she almost chokes on her precious coffee.
In the end, Thomas volunteers to accompany them. Anna hoped for Benny, in secret. But the young man finally found a way to twist thin wires into strong crossbow sinews. She reluctantly admits it's important to complete their arsenal with reliable weapons.
As soon as everything is settled, a proud Kevin enters the common room, precariously carrying a cherry pie in his chubby hands.
'Look! Aunt Rosie helped me make this.'
Monica hurries to take hold of the plate before her excited son drops the dessert. Kevin quickly picks up his Ducky and climbs unto Anna's lap to watch Rosie cut the pie, scrutinising her every move.
'And you really baked this miracle? It smells delicious.'
'Yes! I made it. Ask auntie! I can show you tomorrow.'
'Sorry, Kev, but I must ride out tomorrow. You can teach me the day after tomorrow.'
Anna is taken completely by surprise by Kevin's reaction. The boy drops his favourite toy to cling to her neck.
'No, you can't go! Stay here.'
'Shush, Kevin, I have to. I'll play with you another day.'
'No, please!'
Desperate tears run down the boy's cheeks, and he hugs his former Nanny as if she were about to die. Monica fails to pry him off Anna, and Rosie's attempt to bribe the child with a piece of chocolate results in another crying fit.
'Don't leave me, Nana!'
Nothing helps. Finally, Anna carries a sniffing Kevin to his bed and sings him nursery rhymes in her own dialect till the exhausted boy falls asleep.

Anna and the Zs (on hold due to cancellation of the masterclass)Where stories live. Discover now