3 - On the Run

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The breeze whispers in the trees and Anna breathes deeply, enjoying the smell of wet earth and greenery. It helps to be outside and moving. The Tea Rooms became depressing after Barclay's death. Whilst all try their best to stay positive, the event rubbed in the precariousness of their situation.
The hideout so far proved safe, but at some point Rosie's stores will run out. While they already get by without Coca Cola, mint flavoured chocolate, and vanilla ice cream, some items will be harder to replace. So, after hours of discussion and consideration, they sent out a forage party.

Anna reins in her horse at a crossing while Didier scouts ahead. She rides the gentle black mare Benny freed from the cow grid. Didier and Anna decided to call her Cassis, French for black currant. While she pats the horse's neck, she glances back at Benny. The young man is a reluctant rider, and she fears what might happen if they meet difficulties.
Yesterday, everyone agreed the party should comprise three persons, but today Anna is worried about Benny. She would have preferred to ride with Didier alone although Benny is undoubtedly a good shot and knows Nutley rather well. He had family there before the outbreak. Pharmacy and food store of the village are their primary targets.
When Benny pulls up, sweat gleams on his temples.
'I'd honestly prefer a motorbike or even a tractor without a will of its own.'
With a grin, Anna hands him her thermos with black coffee. It's lukewarm, but she knows Benny is almost as addicted as herself. Coffee is another item they'll sorely miss in the near future.
'For a beginner, you do fine. Try to relax. As long as we don't gallop, you won't fall off.'
'Promise me something, Anna. If we have to run, and I fall, don't come back for me.'
She glares at him with a frown. This isn't the boy who flattened her bike's tyres. It's disturbing and perplexing to see where his thoughts lead. Anna lost almost everyone, how can she promise something stupid like this?
'Forget it, Benny. We stick together like Musketeers. Understood?'

Didier's return cuts the ensuing discussion short.
'Looks good so far, some raider tracks, but I think old ones. 'Ow are you, Ben?'
'Sore, but otherwise fine. Let's move!'
They cross the road quickly, sure they're better off in the countryside, where the raiders' cars and bikes hopefully can't follow horses. Anna is glad Didier found more steeds. They give them the option to move, including old Maggie, young Kevin and the baby. Sure, Barclay's historical wagons still need tracks, but they will be better than walking.
On the other hand, do safe hiding places for humans even exist anymore? They lack communication with other survivors and can only hope Duddleswell remains safe. Anna knows she's not the only one worried about winter. Rosie asked her to hunt sugar, salt, vinegar, anything to make preserves.

Didier leads them west on the tracks crossing Ashdown forest. He knows them from his work at Misbourne Riding Centre. As they near the place, his face turns grim. A glance at her wristwatch confirms it's only mid morning. Anna cherishes her watch, a confirmation day present from her godfather. It's a traditional automatic timepiece and will run forever although she isn't sure it still shows correct time. There are no possibilities to adjust it anymore.
As long as they reach their destination before noon, they will have ample time to search for goods and be back before nightfall. According to Thomas, cross-country it's only about two miles between Duddleswell and Nutley.

The Riding Centre's blackened ruins are a sore sight for the passers-by. Anna shivers, and Didier throws her a dark glance.
'Not raiders, this 'append after the outbreak. Some guy went crazy, burnt the stables down believing zombies 'id there. Killed most 'orses and some people, too. Then I left.'
Anna nods. Similar stories happened all over the place in the first days while the news services still worked and panic reigned. She wonders if Didier lost more than his job here.
They avoid the ruins, it won't do to stumble into a zombie hideout, even in broad daylight.
Anna's watch shows ten forty when they reach the first houses of Nutley from the east. Benny leads them. He wants to check on his cousin's house, now they're here.

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