The Park

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*Jezzabelle's POV*

I have to admit hanging out with Elias made me feel better last night.

He cheered me up with making me dance with him last night and making me laugh. What was odd was that jerk Jack was staring at us most of the time. Creep. I think we're becoming best friends again, but of course Macy is my girl best friend no matter what.

When I got to school I saw Elias waiting for me where i usually park. He opened his arms and gave me an embrace. Like friends do right?

We walked through school doors with me on his back because he was giving me a piggy back ride.

"Nooooo you walk to fast." I whined then laughed.

He started taking the smallest steps ever.  "Better?" He joked.

I playfully punched his arm. 

My day seemed to be going awesome already. Elias made things somehow light up, including my mood. 

He carried me all the way to my first class.

-6th period-

It turns out I had been Elias in my 6th period class and i didn't even notice til today. He was here yesterday but why didn't he talk to me? 

He sat in the back the room in the corner and next to him was Jack. I turned to give Eli a cheesy smile. He smiled back. 

Once class ended something weird happened.

"Hey Jezzabelle! Wait up!" Jack called to me when the bell rang. I stopped in my tracks.

Eli had heard and turned around to look at us. I gave him a weary look but then I nodded to him to leave and he left.

"Yeah?" I asked Jack bored.

"I was wondering if you could join for a walk in the park later." He said and gave a small smile.

Me? He was asking me this. Why?

I simply think Im hallucinating. I gave myself small pinch but i wasn't.

I denied, " No thanks."

I saw in his eyes get a little bummed. Why? I just said no that's it.

As I walked out he grabbed my wrist. I turned to see him then looked down at my hand.

"Please?" He asked. His facial expression now nervous to what I was gonna answer with.

I gave it a little thought. Why not? I had no plans. Macy was meeting some of her cousins from out of town and Eli was well, I don't know. 

Sure it was just a little applesauce. I kept telling myself.

"I guess," I told him.

He had a smile now. 

"I will be at your house at 4." He said.

He let me go and walked out nearly skipping.

Wow. This is a good second day. I'm on fire. 

I got home called Macy and told her where I was going because I felt she should know. 

"You said yes to going to the park? With Jack? The cute one? The popular? Um. Who are you and where's Jay?" She asked and I heard her excitement through the phone. 

"Yes Macy. I have no plans so I decided to say yes." I told her and kinda making a little smile.

I reminded myself he is a jerk, isn't he? Well I can't back down now its 3:50. 

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