New Years Eve

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(I'm gonna be lazy with some of this lol but the next chapter will be bomb)

*Jezzabelle's POV*

Christmas and black friday were interesting. I bought Dean a watch, my dad cologne, my mom a dress, my grandma new pans (I didn't know what she wanted), and my grandpa a San Francisco Giants blanket. 

The hardest thing to get though on black friday was Dean's stupid watch. I had to fight an old lady for it because it was the last one and she tried to take it from me. My purse almost got robbed while I was fighting the lady. Luckily, I got the watch just in time to catch my purse as well. 

I would of brought everyone more things but it was like 3:30 am and I decided to call it a night. Everyone liked their gifts-I think. 

Anyway, today is New Years Eve. I haven't contacted Jack except for say 'Merry Christmas' and for the girls we facetime basically every night. 

I decided to text him. 

To Jack:

Miss you! xx Happy New Years Eve!

He replied almost instantly. 


I miss you, too! Jack even told me I'm being boring. It's only cause I'm without you. (lol I'm so cheesy) Happy New Years Eve my Queen! Love you. xx 

I rolled my eyes while smiling. He was cheesy. I never told anyone besides like my family I love them. Telling him over text message? Do I even mean it? I don't want it to be a lie. I never even said that to Elias while we were dating though.

I feel like a whimp for not saying it, but I don't wanna be rushed into saying anything I don't mean. It can't be a lie. 

I decided to take a nap I wanted to be awake when the countdown was on T.V. 

I drifted off. 

I paced quickly in a room. Where am I? I looked at the clock it was about 2 am. 

The walls of the room I was in were white. I think I'm in a waiting room of a hospital. I sat down tapping my foot impatiently. 

Where was everyone? The only person I saw was the nurse at the desk. 

I remember being called because some one found Jack at his house passed out. It was one of his friends but I obviously don't know who because no one is here!

I kept on waiting. After about an hour I think the doctor came out. 

"It was fortunate you found you friend's body," The doctor said. I found him?

I nodded. "It's misfortunate though, that you didn't find him or anyone did, soon enough. The pills he took were too strong, we couldn't do anything. You can see him if you'd like once you are ready." He said. Wow way to be nice about it, just pin this on me. 

My face fell and so did my stomach. I didn't answer I stood there frozen. I kept blinking back tears. I haven't seen him yet, I'll only cry once I see him. I need to see him first. 

I followed the doctor down the corridor. I walked into the room. 

There was my boyfriend, dead. He looked so calm and peaceful on the hospital bed that looked extremely uncomfortable. 

Why'd he do it? I rushed to his side.

I held his hand and sobbed. "Jack!" I tapped his stomach. "Jack!" "Wake up." I cried. 

the popular kid ; jack johnsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz